Welcome to Falling Leaves in Exile!
This year we are once again gathering virtually at the end of the summer and celebrating with a day of entertainments and activities. Please join us and find links in the schedule to the right. Passcodes to those items that need them can be found sent to the Baronial mailing list, Facebook Group, or by contacting Katla of Viborg, the event steward.
Last Court of Their Excellencies – Baroness Raziya and Baron Thomas hold court one final time before stepping down. Following which, their heirs will be invested.
Arts and Sciences Display – See and discuss the thoughtful research, incredible handiwork, and astounding accomplishments of members of the Barony
Carolingia’s Test Kitchen – Join members of Carolingia’s Cook’s Guild as they experimentally recreate period recipes. Follow along as they try things out in their own kitchens, and try them at home yourself later! This year they will show you how to make Pottage, Swedish Rice Balls, and Yet Another Lemon Cake
Low Company
Come together with the Low Company of Gamesters and Gamblers to learn and play a few games from the era with your fellow event attendees. Many games from the period can be found and played online, and Master Justin will guide you in a chosen selection.
i Sebastiani – The Greatest Commedia Dell’arte Troupe in the Entire World! Sit back and laugh, guffaw, and wink as the players of i Sebastiani present their latest masterpiece, The Fake Tofano!
Carolingia Baronial Court – Baron and Baroness Carolingia will hold court. All are invited to attend as they speak to all and share their words. They would also choose to recognize individuals who have excelled at furthering the interests of the Barony.
Carolingian Orders Reception – Come meet and greet the newest members of the Order of the Daystar, Order of the Moon, Order of Perseus, and Order of the Comet. All are welcome.
Storytellers – Join Sir Michael for a special meeting of the Carolingian Guild of Storytellers. Sir Michael invites everyone to come and share tales – both from the SCA and from the Medieval Period as you find them. Note: If you have tales from Early Carolingia (or even recent Carolingian history), then they would be especially welcome – please do bring them and share them!
Schedule of Events:
Saturday September 11th, 2021:
All Day – Arts and Sciences Display
10:00 am – Last Court of Thomas and Raziya, and Investiture of Their Heirs
11:00 am – Low Company (Board Games)
12:30 pm – i Sebastiani – The Fake Tofano
2:00 pm – First Court of Frithuric and Fiore
3:30 pm – Low Company (Card games)
5:30 pm – Carolingian Orders reception
6:15 pm – Carolingia’s Test Kitchen – Pottage
6:30 pm – Carolingia’s Test Kitchen – Swedish Rice Balls
6:45 pm – Carolingia’s Test Kitchen – Yet Another Lemon Cake
7:00 pm – Storytellers!