Getting Involved

IMAG0010New to the SCA?

The SCA’s Newcomer’s Portal is a good introductory website about the SCA.
The Newcomer’s Guide is a pdf which contains lots of useful information.
If you are headed to your first event, here is some basic information to help you plan.

We also hold a monthly Newcomer’s Night, a perfect low key way to meet with others and learn something about the SCA. It isn’t just for newcomers, but to anyone who wants to learn or share knowledge with others on the topic of the month.

New to Carolingia?

Carolingia covers the Greater Boston area on up to the border with New Hampshire. See if you are in Carolingia on our map.

Carolingia holds several full-day events every year, and so do our neighboring groups.   We also have many activities with regular meetings and practices – most of them happen in modern street clothes, so all you need to do is show up!  You could also attend our monthly business meeting to find out more and meet a few of our members. Our Calendar lists all of the scheduled events for each month.

If you need assistance in getting to an event, meeting, or practice, please reach out to our Clerk of the Stables. This officer will help you to find a ride from volunteers in your area who are going and may be able to offer you a ride. They will work with you to find arrangements that work for both parties.

Additional useful, non-SCA ways to stay in touch with the Barony

Join the Carolingian email list
Carolingia’s Facebook page

Ask the Chatelaine

The Chatelaine is the SCA’s officer in charge of answering questions from newcomers, so if you’ve poked through our site and still have questions, feel free to use this handy form.  Your question will get immediately sent to our helpful and knowledgable Chatelaine who will get back to you with more information.