Upcoming events hosted in the lands of Carolingia or sponsored by
the barony:
Saturday, September 7 – Falling Leaves and Carolingia Baronial Thrown Weapons Championship
Saturday, November 9 – Barony vs. Backlog: Carolingia Edition

Here is a list of recent events hosted or sponsored by Carolingia:
June 1, 2024 – Carolingia Rapier Championships
May 18, 2024 – Otter’s Welcome
November 4th, 2023 – East Kingdom Crown Tourney
September 9th, 2023 – Carolingia 50 Year Celebration
The full list of events for the entirety of the East Kingdom can be found at the East Kingdom Calendar
Interested in putting on an event in Carolingia?
If you’d like to propose an event to run, come to Great Council meetings to make your proposal and to solicit help. You may also wish to reach out to the autocrat of any of the above events to volunteer your time and talent. Here are some resources for those who run events:
Carolingia Sitebook – a directory of potential venues along with a searchable set of amenities and features for various sites. Please contact Justin du Coeur if you need access
Notes on Autocrating – a resource compiled by Lady Eowyn Eilonwy of Alewife Brook
Autocrats Handbook – in progress
Baronial Inventory – a list of items owned by the barony and mostly maintained by the Steward/Chamberlain. Likely not up to date, so please reach out to that office with any specific questions.