The Needleworkers’ Guild of Carolingia serves those interested in researching and creating embroidery as it was done in history through the end of the 16th century.
Members range from beginners to experts who share an interest in the needlework of the middle ages and renaissance. The only requirement for membership in the guild is a desire to learn and a willingness to share what you learn. The guild also stitches in service to the Barony of Carolingia and the East Kingdom.
The Needleworkers Guild of Carolingia currently meets virtually over Zoom on the fourth Thursday of the Month. If you plan to attend the link is available on the Baronial Facebook Page or by contacting the Guildhead, Donato Favro.
Gatherings will either be an open stitch or a specific project which will be noted in the event announcement. If you don’t have a project yet, come looking for inspiration. If you would like to learn something specific, please contact the Guildhead.