
The Carolingian Guild of Musicians and Jongleurs is a chartered guild of the Barony of Carolingia, the Boston-area branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA). The purpose of the Guild is to encourage and nurture SCA-period ensemble music — that is, pre-17th century ensemble music from Europe or areas that communicated with it — in the Barony, and the SCA at large.

The Guild runs two major ensembles, the Waytes and the Quire, and has room for other groups focused on some specific aspect of SCA-period music as interest warrants. The Waytes are an instrumental ensemble functioning primarily as a Renaissance dance band. The Quire is an a capella vocal consort which sings music from throughout the SCA period. Please use the following links to learn more.

About the Quire

About the Waytes

To join us or to contact us for any reason, please contact:
Quire Manager, Signore Orlando dei Medici
Waytes Captain, Lady Ysabel da Costa

Carolingia has a third ensemble for those with a passion for being loud and showy. The Trumpet and Kettledrum Corps specializes in making a spectacle that everyone can see and hear.