Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections.
- Officer Announcements
- Order of the Moon: Gundormr Dengin
The meeting of the Order of the Moon will be following Council tonight.
- Webminister: Cristoff
I am looking for a replacement for the Webminister position. The job would largely be updating the Barony’s website content, and the replacement would have significant training with Clockwerk. Please contact Clockwerk or Aurelia if interested.
- Gold Key: Aurelia Rufinia (standing in)
The Gold Key is also looking for a replacement. Please contact Thomas (Guinemer) if you are interested in the position. We are also looking to winnow down the inventory of garb to 5 tubs (currently around 7 tubs).
- Steward: Aurelia Rufinia (standing in)
All of the Barony’s stuff has been moved to the new storage space! Gudrun is planning a severe inventory in the immediate future to weed through items and replace what is needed.
Hugh Taurner suggested that new cookware would be a good investment for the Barony.
- Exchequer: Hugh Taurner
As a reminder, if you are planning to spend more than $500, funds need to be approved by the Finance Committee.
- Guild Announcements
- Dance: Justin du Coeur (standing in)
Dance practices will resume in short sessions in March and April on Thursday nights. More details to come!
- Dance: Gundormr Dengin (standing in)
Quintavia is having their monthly practice tomorrow (2/2) at Camelot for those interested in dancing.
- Quire: Eowyn
Quire practice was postponed last month. At the rehearsal, we sang love songs and dusted off the University of Carolingia hymn. We may try to gather at Service University on the 13th to sing the hymn for old times’ sake, depending on the event schedule.
The Quire will be meeting on February 15th at 8:30 pm at Vis & Mara’s house, and will probably be singing Valentine-y type songs.
- Events/Proposals
- Fencing: Quintin Brilliant (standing in)
We are hoping to sponsor Devon Boorman of Academie Duello to teach a class. The class would be on March 20th (since there is a conflict with a fiber arts class in Connecticut the day before) in Arlington for a 6 hour class. This would also be the last weekend of Gulf Wars. The site costs $50 per hour (totaling $300 for the event) and Devon is asking for 1/3 of his travel costs and profits from the event, if any. We anticipate about 30 people for the event and Remy will advertise, and we would charge $45 per person ($50 for non-members). Devon’s normal rate for this class would be $100 per person. The site does want payment 1-2 weeks in advance of the event.
- Service University: Aurelia Rufinia (standing in)
Full class schedules will be posted by Wednesday.
- Carolingian Company of Bowmen Shoot: Eleanora Stewart
We are attempting to secure May 14, 2016 with the Bedford site for the event, but preference is given by the town to school organizations at that time of year. Site costs would be about $300, and approximately $100 needed for target faces. Any people interested in lending target backstops or has an alternative site idea, please contact Nora or Erica.
- Falling Leaves in Exile: Aurelia Rufinia
Thomas has graciously volunteered to run this event. There will be a proposal at next month’s Council meeting.
- Equestrian Event: Aurelia Rufinia
We are looking for an autocrat to run an equestrian event in October 2016. This volunteer would have significant assistance from mentors and the Equestrian marshal. Possible sites could be in Andover, Groveland, or the 4H Center in Westwood. Please contact Aurelia if you are interested in running this!
- SCA Announcements
- Eowyn: The following Carolingians were honored at Birka! Vivant!!
Valerian was inducted into the Order of the Tygers Combatant (OTC);
Eagdyth was inducted into the Order of the Silver Crescent (OSC) (Grant of Arms included);
Alaric Bandenbrook was awarded arms;
Thory Vedardottir was awarded arms;
Cathain was inducted into the Order of Apollo’s Arrow (Award of Arms included);
Hrafn Bonesetter was inducted into the Order of the Chivalry and knighted;
- Aurelia Rufinia: Also, Mistress Brita from Endewearde received an Augmentation of Arms. Duchess Anna Tarragon (from Quintavia) was named a Tyger of the East. For those who don’t know, by law this honor is only given once per reign.
- Cristoff: Simon Gwyn was inducted into the Order of the Chivalry and knighted at the event the week before Birka.
- Justin du Couer: Camelot will be hosting their annual embroidery schola on February 20th. This will be in garb but mellow. Also, Black Rose Ball will be on March 12th. This will also be the investiture for the new Baron and Baroness of the Barony of the Bridge. Lastly, the SCA’s 50th anniversary event will be in Indiana. The East Kingdom history booth needs help and photos of past royalty and courts.
- Aurelia Rufinia: There will also be over 100 horses at the 50th anniversary for the East Kingdom.
- Non-SCA Announcements
- Gundormr: There is a free exhibit at the Houghton Library in Harvard this month in commemoration of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death. This exhibit includes a first folio, Edwin Booth’s swrd, and pictures of Sarah Bernhardt as Hamlet.
- Kobayashi: There will be 3 public performances of I. Sebastiani on February 25th, 26th, and 27th (all at 7:30pm) in Berlin, Ashland, and Sudbury. More details to follow on their site.
- Eowyn: The Presidential primary will be March 1st. Go vote!
- Gundormr: The annual meeting of the Medieval Academy of America is in Boston this year, on the last Thursday/Friday/Saturday in February. Registration fee is $250. For more information, please visit their website at
- Thomas: The new Deadpool movie is coming out this month!
- Aurelia Rufinia: Next month’s Council meeting will focus on schedule planning. There will be a meeting of the Order of Perseus following Council.