Baronial Meeting Minutes – November 2, 2015

Please contact the Secretary at for a separate document version or for any questions or corrections.

1.  From Their Excellencies

  • Baroness Nicolette: As many of you know, due to various health issues, I have been housebound for about 5 years. I just recently qualified for The Ride.  I am putting out a call to the Barony: Do you have a meeting, a gathering, a practice, or something you would like for the Baroness to visit?  I want to experience the diversity of Carolingia!!  Please contact the Baroness for details.

2.  Officer Announcements

  • Exchequer: Hugh Tauvener

The Board of Directors has decreed that anyone who charges a fee for practices must now collect the Non-Member Surcharge as well (other than the War Memorial).  This does not count for donation collections for sites.  Currently, there are no practices who charge fees in the Barony.  This notice will also be forwarded to Canton Exchequers.

  • Thrown Weapons: Asher de Lincolia

The Carlisle Thrown Weapons will continue through Thanksgiving, weather permitting.  Archery practice in Carlisle is open year-round for anyone that wants to shoot.

  • Gold Key: Aaradyn Ghyoot (standing in)

If you have a need for Gold Key at an event, please contact in advance.  The more advance notice you provide, the better.

  • Canton of the Towers: Chelsey of Gloucester

The next Project Day will be on November 8th in Carlisle from 3:00 to 5:00pm.  Lady Maria Elizabeta Gunza will be doing a dance demo, all are welcome!  Potluck to follow afterwards, no pork products please!  The following Project Day will be an instrument “petting zoo” on December 13th.

3.  Guild Announcements

  • Dance: Gundormr

The next Camelot dance practice will be on November 3rd.  The next short session dance practice will be Wednesday, November 4th in Oak Square.  This will be the 5th of the 7 short practices.  If you are interested in practices with the Academia Della Danza, please contact the Dance Master.

  • Justin du Coeur: If you are going to Arisia, the ball will be on Sunday afternoon on January 17, 2016.
  • Calligraphers: Aaradyn Ghyoot (standing in)

The next meeting of the calligraphers guild will be on November 15th at 2:00pm.  This is being organized by the guild head, please watch for postings to the message boards and other outlets for more information.

  • Low Company: Justin du Coeur

The Low Company had a meeting last month!  There will be a get together for those interested in games at Chad & Amanda’s house, please contact Justin for details.

  • Quire: Eowyn

The next practice for the Quire will be November 16th at 8:30pm at Vis & Mara’s house.  The focus will be seasonal songs.

The Waytes captain and I are considering having a Christmas music session.  If you have an opinion about this, please contact Eowyn.

  • Fencing: Sorcha Dhocair

Last year, the rapier demonstration at Arisia was a hit, and we have been asked to come and do it again this year.  Last year did have issues with the timing of our demonstration alongside other martial demos.  When we have more information we will post out the information to appropriate boards.

  • Cooks: Gundormr (on behalf of Zohane)

The next cook’s guild meeting will be this Sunday, November 8th from 2:00 through 5:00pm in Lynn.

4.  Events/Proposals

  • Winter Nights: Caitriona

There were at least $275 in donations, the Exchequer has the complete total.  Non-Member Surcharges were not collected because this was a donation event.  The winner was Drake Orinboar.

  • Gundormr: This event will rotate between Carolingia, Concordia of the Snow, and the Bhakail.
  • Service University: Aurelia Rufinia (on behalf of Isabel da Costa)

The original site has fallen through.  Another site has been found that would have the event on February 13, 2016.  This new date will avoid conflict with Intercon.  The budget will be provided to the Exchequer by the end of next week.

  • Carolingian Company of Bowmen Shoot: Erica Schlain

Eleanora and I are still looking for a site, please contact either of us with a site of interest.  The site must be able to hold a 100 yard shoot.

5.  Announcements

  • Hugh Tauvener: As a reminder, Crown Tournament is this coming Saturday (11/7) in the Barony of Bergental.
  • Aurelia Rufinia: Curia will be held at BBM/Bergental Yule, which will be held in BBM this year.
  • Erica Schlain: BBM/Bergental Yule feast has very limited seating. If you anticipate wanting to stay for feast, early reservation is encouraged.
  • Baroness Nicolette: While there will not be a Baronial court for Carolingia at Crown Tournament, their Excellencies are open to having retainers at the event. Please contact them if you are interested in doing so.
  • Eowyn: Tomorrow is Election Day, please go out and vote!
  • Eowyn (on behalf of Shirley): Shirley will be hosting Buttery Thanksgiving, which will be a quasi-potluck. If you are interested in attending or contributing, please contact Shirley.
  • Justin du Coeur: Intercon signups are happening soon…
  • Caitriona: Signups will be starting this Thursday (11/5) at 7:00pm on their new site.
  • Eadgyth: There is a 3 part series on the Great Fire of London starting this Thursday (11/5) on PBS.
  • Hugh Tauvener: Thursday is also the Fifth of November. Go set off some fireworks!