Fencing Practice
Carolingia hosts a fencing practice every Thursday night, 7-9pm, at the Cambridge War Memorial, 1640 Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA 02138. Parking is available at the Harvard Vanguard lot across the street. The War Memorial charges a $7 entrance fee. Once inside, we usually meet in the second floor basketball court. …
Archery Practice
The Carolingian Company of Bowmen promotes the enjoyment and practice of archery in the Barony, studies the practices, equipment and standards of archery during the period covered by the SCA, and trains archers so they may assist in the defense of the Barony. General archery practices are held at various …
Fighter and Fencer Practice
Carolingia hosts a fighting practice which meets weekly on Wednesday evenings in Ellison Hall at the Plymouth Church in Framingham. 87 Edgell Road, Framingham MA 01701. The hall is in back of the church in a separate building. Entry is all the way to the right through a blue door …