We will be meeting at 12:00 noon to 2:30 pm Sunday March 9 at the range of Peter and Arlyana in Carlisle, MA. The extended weather forecast predicts a normal cold March day so we will have a fire pit to warm us up.
During the regular Baronial Sunday archery practice (10 – 1), we will offer a novelty shoot at 12 to challenge archers of any level. After the regular practice ends, we will break a half hour for a pot luck lunch. Beginning at 1:30, Master Li will lead a class in repairing and preparing arrows for the archery season. Anyone may stay for the class, if you would like to repair one of your arrows, make sure to bring it with you.
March 9 is the date we “SPRING AHEAD”, don’t be late! You are invited to the entire 10-1 practice if you would like more shooting. I will send an email March 5, via Carolingia’s email list and the Archer’s email list, this will include a link to the pot luck food list