Carolingian Foresters

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UPDATE: Due to pending snow, we’re moving the TIME of the Foresters Gathering to start at 11 am, going until 2 pm on Sunday. Hopefully this shift will allow folks to get home before the snow really hits. Around 12:00 noon, we’ll plan to have a ceremony to allow a couple of folks to swear the Forester’s Oath. We hope to see you there!

On Sunday, January 19th, 2025, from 11 am – 2 pm, Arlyana will host the Carolingian Foresters gathering in her Carlisle yard. This is an outdoor event, so please dress warmly in layers; bring more than you think you need!

What to bring:

  • Wear foresters garb if you have it, other garb if you don’t, and your mundane (regular) clothes if you don’t have that. Be sure to dress warmly & for the weather.
  • Bring a camp chair and whatever else you need for your forester activities. Be sure to bring feast gear for eating.
  • If fires are permitted, we’ll have a fire pit where you can practice fire-starting and outdoor cooking. More fire pits are welcome.
  • Bring your projects, questions, and more.

The Carolingian Foresters is your local chapter of the East Kingdom Royal Foresters.

Event Details