Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman:
Seneschal Lady Aaradyn Gyoot
Amendments vote is next month, if there are any of the proposed amendments to Policy that you wish to discuss, I encourage you to bring that discussion either to the members of Great Council who you feel best represent you, or to the Barony email list.
There has not been discussion to date. Please make sure you make your voice heard.
Patience: Could we please have a show of hands of officers.
(Show of hands occurs).
Aaradyn will send out a list of voting officers.
Seneschal of the Canton of the Towers: Lord Thorvald Olafsson Kveld-Hrútssonar
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Secretary Lord Donato Favro
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Chancellor of the Exchequer Kara Irini bin Todori
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Chancellor Minor Theo of Carolingia
No Report
Chatelaine Lady Patience Faircloth
Newcomers Night: Monday, 4/25 @ 7pm
The scheduled time for future Newcomer’s Nights may shift days and time due to real world conflicts. Please attend the April Newcomers Night if you wish to discuss the possible rescheduling.
Please feel free to contact Patience at
Frithuric: I attended a demo in Carolingia last month. It was very cool, showed off heavy fighting. Since it was last minute, we were short on other stuff.
Patience: Please remember to coordinate demos with the Chatelaine and other proper officers.
Golden Gryphon Pursuivant (Theo speaking for) Richard Heyworth:
Office Hours are tomorrow, 5:30-8:30pm
Please see Calendar entry for details
Ysabel is over scheduled for Otters welcome, and will need someone to run gold key at the event. Ideally someone who could take the role of an assistant and provide that role for other events.
Frithuric: What does gold key require at an event?
Aaradyn: Gold Key is a booth near gate and a changing room, that provides garb to newcomers, and will store mundanes for the day. Then, at the end of the day collect the loaned gear.
Q? What about shelter?
Patience: At the last Otters, there was a pop up that was used to shelter goldkey. A shelter is nice to have, as it protects the garb and the staff.
Ysabel: I have never run gold key at events, due to taking the role during the pandemic.
Aaradyn: Most newcomers arrive during the first couple of hours, and minimal staff is needed after that point. Someone needs to make sure things don’t walk off, but that can be combined with gate or similar.
Knight Marshal Valerian of Somerset
Minister of Arts & Sciences Meisterin Cathain Ritter Catriona Genevra Beltrami
Web Minister Magister Symon of Barnesdale
Chronicler Master Gunðormr Dengir Kendrick del Grenewode :
Dance Lady Aelia Fortunata
Dance is officially back on for the spring.
What: Dance Practice, with bonus live music courtesy of the Waytes!
Where: 640 Washington Street, Brighton, MA (Aka the Presentation School Foundation Community Center,) in the Little Sprouts Room
When: Thursday, April 7, 7;30-9:30 PM
How (do you get there): Take the 57 or 64 bus. There is also free onsite parking
Historian Mistress Eowyn Eilownwy of Alewife Brook
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Liber Editor Lord Orlando dei Medici
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Marshal Fence Lord Zohane Faber
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Marshal Archery Master Peter the Red
Archery practice continues on Sundays and also by appointment, feel free to call Peter to schedule.
Marshal Thrown Weapons Lady Dierdre Greenwode
Thrown weapons is back. We had a succesfful saturday of range maintenance, and then had an enthusiastic crowd on Sunday. The schedule for Framingham and Carlisle are posted on the calendar. Framingham Saturdays and Carlisle Sundays will alternate, 10-1. There will be no practice on the weekend of Otters welcome and falling leaves. If you would like to practice on the off Sundays at Carlisle, please give Arlyana 3 days notice, and she will attempt to schedule it.
Minister of the Lists Lord Trentus Nubianus
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Steward Lord Zohane Faber
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Clerk of the Stable Etain ingen Ut Neill
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Social Media Officer Lady Caterina Genevra Beltrami
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Principals of Baronial Orders
Order of the Daystar Lord Guinemar d’Anglade
Congrats to our newest Daystar, Fortunata!
As always, please write in people who you think should be added to our Order, you don’t need to be a member of the order to do so.
Order of the Moon Lady Eleanor Catling:
We have a new Moon as of yesterday’s event. And there is an outstanding poll that has been sent out. Please fill it out. If you are a moon and not on the list, please contact Lady Eleanor.
Order of Perseus Lord Pandaulf:
There will be a Perseus meeting as soon as Pandaulf and their excellencies are able to arrange it.
As always, please write in people who you think should be added to our Order, you don’t need to be a member of the order to do so.
Activities haven’t resumed yet, but we are looking forward to otter’s.
Needleworkers Lady Etain ingen Ut Neill
Guild meeting Thursday, April 28, 2022, 6:30 PM – 9 PM, everyone welcome. (Editors Note: Canceled since council)
Low Company Master Justin du Coeur
The next meeting of the low company is in person this Friday at Chatnam house. If you need directions please contact Justin. The topic will be Games of South Asia (Mostly India) in honor of her icoming majesty. Full Covid protocols are in effect.
Deidre Grenewood: Please watch the e-mail list. There may be cancellation for health reasons. If not, there will be Birthday cake.
No Report
Calligraphers Lady Aaradyn Ghyoot:
No Report
Waytes Lady Ysabel da Costa
The waytes will be playing at dance practice. We are looking forward to playing at Otters Welcome, and practicing until then. And welcome to our new member Crystal, new to the area.
Gathering of Fools: Baron Hillarious ClockWerk
The report will be next month.
Otters Welcome: Lady Ástríðr Eiríksdóttir
The event calendar listing has been updated, the website is in development, and promotional materials are almost ready to go. I have been checking in, and A&S is moving forward. Childrens activities and Chatelaine stuff are pending.
Site walkthrough in the next week to arrange events and scheduling.
A deputy is desirable for helping to run that day, and more volunteers are needed generally. There will be a list circulated shortly.
Fortunata: The last Otter’s had a group of Chatelaine amabasadors to welcome people and show them around the site.
Astrid: Patience: I do intend to run the SCA ambassador program, pairing with Theo so it can happen with adult volunteers and youth. There will be a call for volunteers following the call for site staff to make sure the former is properly filled, but feel free to reach out to chatelaine@
Donato: Is fire permitted on the site.
Astrid: This will be coordinated as part of the walkthrough.
Theo: Youth ambassadors likely doesn’t work under the letter of the law for youth activities.
If you would like to do an hour make and take for youth at Otters, please contact Theo.
Eleanor: Could Family ambassadors work instead?
Scavenger hunt at the past Otters that went well, and it got people to interact well.
Astrid: We are very interested in repeating the scavenger hunt.
Eleanor: I remember youth ambassadors requiring a parent.
Aaradyn: The rules may have changed, I trust Theo to keep track of it.
Sugawara: There will be a largesse Derby at Otters. The winner (as selected by their excellencies gets to take home one piece from each set of 6).
Falling Leaves Lady Patience Faircloth
Patience: I posted a couple of days ago in regards to dayboard/box lunch interest. To simplify things as events restart, we are looking at interest in having a box lunch in place of dayboard. If you are interested in helping to make them please contact Patience or Katla. This would be an extra fee in addition to gate, and opt in. If there is not sufficient interest, there will be no dayboard, so please reach by the end of April.
Insert Announcement here.
50 Year Lady Patience Faircloth:
Patience: In communication with a site in Framingham, (Edward’s House), meeting house, commercial kitchen, 110-120 acres of land. Still working on getting pricing for the event. The likely days are either the first weekend in November or Halloween weekend. The weather for these weeks last year was quite reasonable. Are we interested in making this a camping event or only a day event.
Fiore: Camping in November can be cold at night.
Patience: As of right now, fires are permitted. But the details need to be negotiated, as they are inconsistent for each user.
Chat: This might conflict with crown, as that is often first weekend in November.
Justin: Crown is only a major conflict for Royal attendance.
Frithuric: Would we want to host Crown at EK 50 year?
Patience: We are discussing 2023. We discussed Fenruary vs November, and decided on November, which is generally warmer.
Justin: This is far enough in the future that if we get it on the Calendar, and get Royalty on board early, Crown will likely move around it.
Patience: We could move earlier if necessary, although there are conflicts. This coincides with the first Carolingian meeting.
Tasha: Commitment from the Royals can’t be done earlier than the prior crown Tourney.
Patience: There are a limited number of weeks in the year, and we need acceptable weather. Early November is usually decent, and the site is available. If you have further questions, please e-mail Patience.
Frithuric: Are there camping sites in Carolingia?
Patience: Yes, there are, but they are either too small or too expensive.
More information will be available next month once a drafted budget is available. But the site is likely discretely damp.
Lowell Demo: Towers pulled together at the last minute. This was at the request of the organization Demolay (Masonic youth organization) following a demo in Quintavia. Present were Thorvald, Simon de Poitier, and Thorfinn and Frithuric.
Frithuric would like to establish a “Demo in a box” including A&S items and video files and similar that could be shown at events.
Patience: Many demos have been suggested, but short notice and long distances have been a problem.
If you are interested in helping to put it together a demo in a box, please contact Patience. If you are interested in putting together a demo, or joining a demo committee, please contact Patience.
Astrid: As social media officer: Any demos or anything that the Barony is hosting should go through the social media office to make sure it goes out to all channels.
Please remember to make sure that items go out on the Baronial e-mail list as well as on Facebook, since the FB algorithm can swallow items, and not everyone is on FB.
Aaradyn: We should do as many demos as we can reasonably support.
General announcements:
Fiore: Coronation is Saturday. Carolingia is responsible for providing her Majesty roses at Coronation. Will the Barony reimburse up to $50 for roses? Vote approves.
Arlyana: A number of new people have come to Archery Practice.
Frithuric: Thank you to Clock for putting that event together. Thanks to the Waytes for playing. Thank you to Fortunata and Justin for running dance. Thank you to those who worked gate, and EVERYONE who worked on it and to those who attended. Carolingia now has an official poet and new Champions.
Aaradyn: Thanks for not hurting youself.
Fiore: Congratulations to Baroness Arlyna (thrown weapons) and Lord Sojourner (archery). Thanks to the outgoing champions as well.