Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman:
I welcome the new seneschal. Fiore is sick, so will not be on. Welcome to the new year 2025. We are looking forward to seeing people at Birka, and possibly tomorrow at the Gryphon and Rose tournament at Framingham Practice on Wednesday.
We are looking forward to trying to get some events on the schedule.
Seneschal Lady Sugawara no Naeme
Welcome to January council, I am your new Seneschal.
We have an upcoming Curia on Jan 30th. If you would like to say something about their Majesties proposal, send me an e-mail.
Official approval of me as seneschal came through two days ago, so I’m official.
I need deputies. I would very much like to have an emergency deputy who can step up in an emergency category.
I would also like a regular deputy, someone who may want to step up in 3 years, so they can learn the position to make it simpler to step in at that point.
If you have business with the Seneschal’s office, please e-mail me. This provides a paper trail that I need.
Next council is Feb 4th. If possible I would like to hear from every officer at that point, since its been a while since we’ve heard from everybody. If you can’t make it send an e-mail.
Future councils will remain online.
My first report is due on the 17th.
Seneschal of the Canton of the Towers: Lord Eirikr Lambson
No Report
Secretary Lord Donato Favro
No Report
Chancellor of the Exchequer Kara Irini bin Todori
I have been informed that I do need to step down, no later than Feb 15th. Cathain Reiter will be stepping up in my place. I will remain the deputy for a while to ease the transition. I will make sure Cathain and Sugawara will be on the bank information, and remove Aradyn.
As a deputy, I will be cleaning out a box of files I inherited and scanning what is necessary.
The warrant has already been accquired. Please feel free to reach out to me during the next month as we transition.
We’re going to close out the quarter this month and should have updated financials in February.
Chancellor Minor Master Cristoff Gockerhan von Loch and Lady Stephanie Leatherfoot L’Huissier
No Report
Chatelaine Master Justin de Coeur
No Report
Golden Gryphon Pursuivant Lord Richard Heyworth:
No Report
Gold Key Lord Orlando dei Medici
No Report
Knight Marshal Master Valerian of Somerset
No Report
Minister of Arts & Sciences Mistress Isabel del Okes
The kingdom A&S Championship is coming up, deadlines listed but missed. Online competitors by the 1st of February, Please feel to reach out to me if you need assistance.
There is a display at Birka that will offer consultations.
Web Minister Lady Elspeth of Ruthven
No Report
Chronicler Lady Ysabel da Costa:
No Report
Dance Lady Aelia Fortunata
Seneschal: I would like to thank Domina Fortunata for being our dance mistress for years. That office is presently vacant, and dance is not happening. If you would like to step up, please let me know.
Historian Mistress Eowyn Eilownwy of Alewife Brook
No Report
Rapier Marshal Lord Zohane Faber
No Report
Marshal Archery Master Peter the Red
Archery continues all winter, wear warm clothing. If it’s safe to drive, practice will occur on Sundays, and we can schedule as needed.
Marshal Thrown Weapons Lord Pandaulf of Fenmere
The range is official closed, but please contact me for an appointment if you would like to throw.
Minister of the Lists Lord Trentus Nubianus
No Report
Steward Lady Gudrun Thorvaldsdottir
No Report
Social Media Officer Lord Edvard Mickaelson
No Report
Principals of Baronial Orders
Order of the Daystar Lady Ysabel da Costa
The Order of the Daystar is the Baronial Service Award.
If you know someone you would like to nominate for the Daystar please let Their Excellencies or me know! The current list of Daystars is on the Baronial website.
Order of the Moon Lady Eleanor Catling:
The Order of the Moon is the Baronial Arts and Science Award.
If you know someone you would like to nominate for the Moon please let Their Excellencies or me know! The current list of Moons is on the Baronial website.
We anticipate inductions at upcoming events TBD.
Order of Perseus Master Symon Barnsdale:
The Order of the Moon is the Baronial Martial Award.
If you know someone you would like to nominate for the Perseus please let Their Excellencies or me know! The current list of Perseids is on the Baronial website.
Order of the Comet Cristoff Gockerhan von Loch and Stephanie Leatherfoot L’Huissier
The Order of the Comet is the Baronial award for youth.
If you know someone you would like to nominate for the Comet please let Their Excellencies or me know!
Carolingia Calivers Lord Eon Broc
Low Company Master Justin du Coeur
Low Company is this Friday. The focus will be on games from the Indian subcontinent. Dinner at 6:30, please let us know in advance.
Storytellers Sire Michael of York
Waytes Lady Ysabel da Costa
Needleworkers Lord Donato Favro
Guild Meeting this week.
Foresters Arlyana
Sunday the 19th will be the Jan gathering of foresters in Carlisle after archery. Bring warm clothing and forestry stuff.
Falling Leaves: Maewgwynn Filia Brun: Last fall, a group of us here in towers decided to tackle falling leaves and it went well. Ruskva is unavailable, so I will be stepping in as event steward. Hopefully I will have the information together for you shortly.
Eadgyth: Are you contemplating similar timing?
MFB: Yes, depending on site availability.
Arlyana: Are you thinking about this one being a royal progress? It tends to be good timing before the step down.
MFB:Yes, my intention is to reach out to their Highnesses. Especially since I hope to do jousting again, and it would be good to get the broader reach for that. Last year was short lead and little experience, which we don’t expect to be an issue this year.
Sugawara: During my tenure as Seneschal, I intend to make sure we have an updated event stewards handbook. I’m a little concerned about the trend we’ve been having of rushing events, and would like to see people moving on them earlier to minimize burnout.
Irini: If you need any support on the Steward thing, I can help.
Cathain: Do we have anything going for Otter’s Welcome.
Etain: Astrid and I talked about it, but decided not to do it because of potential conflicts with Spring Crown.
JV: Crown is one of two weekends, so avoiding those two weekends is sufficient.
General announcements:
Rennaisance Ball at Arisia – Sunday Afternoon at 4pm.
Ysabel: Music by the Waytes
Arylana: I’m trying to go out to 12th night, the 18th. I’m looking for someone to drive out with me, please contact me if you’re interested.
Eeowynn: Last week, Andraico sent out a notice inviting people to come to a Pennsic Solstice to discuss Pennsic, but he just had to cancel it due to a cold.