Great Council Minutes July 1 AS LIX (2024) 7:30 PM

Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman:


Seneschal Lady Aaradyn Gyoot

A reminder that there is no council in August due to Pennsic.

If you have business that needs to happen soon, it will have to happen at September council on the 9th due to labor day.

Seneschal of the Canton of the Towers: Lord Eirikr Lambson

No Report

Secretary Lord Donato Favro

No Report

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kara Irini bin Todori

No Report

Chancellor Minor Cristoff Gockerhan von Loch and Stephanie Leatherfoot L’Huissier
Stephanie is moving to Maine sometime in September, but will continue to act in a supporting role.

Aaradyn: Chancellor minor does not have a residency requirement.

Master Justin de Coeur

No Report

Golden Gryphon Pursuivant Lord Richard Heyworth:

No Report

Gold Key Lord Orlando dei Medici

No Report

Knight Marshal Master Valerian of Somerset

No Report

Minister of Arts & Sciences Meisterin Cathain Ritter

The Summer online A&S display is online.

Web Minister Lady Elspeth of Ruthven

No Report

Chronicler Master Gunðormr Dengir:

No Report

Dance Lady Aelia Fortunata

No Report

Historian Mistress Eowyn Eilownwy of Alewife Brook
No Report

Liber Editor Lord Orlando dei Medici

No Report

Rapier Marshal Lord Zohane Faber

No Report

Marshal Archery Master Peter the Red
Archery Sunday year round in Carlisle, 10-1. Call and arrange a time if you would like to shoot at other times. Archery practice during GNEW will be run by Florian.

Marshal Thrown Weapons Lord Pandaulf of Fenmere

Thrown weapons continues Saturdays from 10-1. No practice during GNEW or Pennsic.

We have loaner weapons.

Minister of the Lists Lord Trentus Nubianus

No Report

Steward Lady Gudrun Thorvaldsdottir

Letting everyone know that U-haul is raising their prices $5/month for storage, although we are paid through next year.

Clerk of the Stable Etain ingen Ut Neill

No Report

Social Media Officer Baron Ludovic of Carolingia

No Report

Principals of Baronial Orders 

Order of the Daystar Lady Ysabel da Costa

The Order of the Daystar is the Baronial service award.

If you know someone you would like to nominate for the Daystar please let Their Excellencies or me know! The current list of Daystars is on the Baronial website.

Order of the Moon Lady Eleanor Catling:

The Order of the Moon is the Baronial Arts and Science Award.

If you know someone you would like to nominate for the Moon please let Their Excellencies or me know! The current list of Moons is on the Baronial website.

Meeting in Oct. Exact date TBD.

Please reach out to Eleanor if you are not receiving emails.

Order of Perseus Master Symon Barnsdale:

The Order of the Perseus is the Baronial Martial Award.

If you know someone you would like to nominate for the Perseus please let Their Excellencies or me know! The current list of Perseids is on the Baronial website.

Order of the Comet Cristoff Gockerhan von Loch and Stephanie Leatherfoot L’Huissier

The Order of the Comet is the Baronial award for youth.

If you know someone you would like to nominate for the Comet please let Their Excellencies or us know!


Low Company Master Justin du Coeur

Storytellers Sire Michael of York

Gavin: Storytellers will be meeting Thursday night dark-oclock at GNEW in place of the regular gathering.

Waytes Lady Ysabel da Costa

Needleworkers Lord Donato Favro

Peter: Friday there is a foresters gathering in Carlisle, the rain date from a week ago last Sunday. This may be bad weather again, but lets hope not. Gathering, fires, cooking, talking about forestry and plants.


General announcements:

Otters Welcome: Astrid and Ytaine. The venue allowed extra setup time, which was awesome. They even let us pre-set a little bit Friday night. We found out that not having a sign-in sheet with a checkbox for newcomers limited our ability to track the number of newcomers. The request for gate to track got lost during shift changes.

Inside was used for classes and kitchen. Currently the inside is not quite as accesible as we would like, but they are in the process of adding an elevator. Outside was used for everything else. Thank you to Orlando for prepping food.
Dealing with the cash box was a little difficult while we did not have the exchequer present.

Aradyn: The correct way to deal with this is in EK policies.

Astrid: I will keep that in mind for the future.

Irini: In the form itself, there is no box for “are you brand new”. This is because the sign in forms are for liability, not tracking. We can add to the form. But nothing on the paperwork I received was a problem.

Astrid: I think that might be a good thing to add, so we can track newcomers for recruiting purposes.

Irini: I can draft something for the future, and put it up on the website for comment.

Astrid: As far as parking, I didn’t hear about any issues with the parking. Unfortunately our lead gate person came down with covid immediately before the event, but people stepped in to cover it.

Merchants and Demos received nothing but compliments.

Classes: We had an amazing variety of classes, with a great flow.

Family point: Thanks to Baron Kazia for stepping in to run family point day of. And thanks to the chancellor minors for their pre-setup even if they couldn’t be there day of.

Dayboard was excellent.

Special shoutout to Alex Watson, a newcomer, for staying to the very end to help with cleanup.

What could we have done without? The Rain.

Attendance: 184 people.

Income: 1753.

Expenses 1435.35 (317.65 profit).

Thank you to everyone who helped out in any way.

Donato: One newcomer had trouble finding the shared dishes.

Carolingia Rapiers:

41 adults, 3 kids. The event ran smoothly. People showed up, they fought. A lot. We had some great music. We had fantastic court sessions and actual court. This was a donation event, and we came out with $16 of profit, which was great for a tiny event.

Let me know if you have any recommendations for the future.

Barony vs Backlog Sugawara Naeme: The only thing I have to say is that it will be going up on the calendars this month.

Event Proposal: Ruska: Falling Leaves. Thank you for Valerian for representing me at council last month. I have a mostly complete staff, with a few positions remaining to be filled. We will be able to have the 4h site. It will be on Sat Sept 7th. This year the site fee has gone from $750 to $1000. I did talk to the rental manager, and we can get the day from 7:30-7:30. We hope to have reapier, heavy, equestrian, archery, thrown, dancing, musicians, merchants, etc. At present the Kingdom calendar is clear for this date, so we’d like to get it up ASAP. This year we would like to bring it back to a picnic style to limit required staff. The intent would be to schedule an hour with no activities, in order to allow people to eat together.

Astrid: When you are ready to put the event up on facebook, please send me an e-mail as the social media officer.

Aaradyn: Should that be the kingdom email?

Astrid: I am trying to set it up so the baronial social media officer reports to me.

Eowyn: Given the schedule, this will be the last great council before the event.

Aaradyn: Yes, so please reach out to Ruska directly.

Arlyana: What pricing is being suggested?

Ruska: The budget for break even looks to be $17, so we’re probably looking at $20 for the site.

Arlyana: Since the Royals are not otherwise booked at this point, they may turn this into an RP.

Etaine: Does this include the Equestiran waiver.

Ruska: no.

Unidentified:This is an additional $200.

Arlyana: There is money from the kingdom for Equestrian.

Ruska: That would push break even for 150 people to $19.

Call for staff: Archery- Peter the red volunteers.

Thrown Weapons: Pandaulf volunteers or will find someone.

Dancing: Ysabel (Music)

Merchant Coordinator:


Pandaulf: I became baronial champion last year at Falling leaves, so would we be planning to have this year’s championships this year? And thrown weapons.

Ruska: We had planned on that.

Frithuric: We can plan on that, please get in touch if you would like to run this going forward.

Is the picnic potluck or BYO?

Ruska: BYO

Frithuric: That seems expensive.

Unidentified Speaker: Balfars is running $40 with dayboard. Harpers is $80 for 2 days without food.

Multiple: This is pretty much the expected pricing these days. Site fees are up.

Aradyn: It’s a beautiful site, and this is what prices run.

Unidentified Speaker: It will be $30 for non-members.

Aradyn: That is unfortunate, blame BOD.

Valerian: I budgeted for 150 people. The last time we had the event there, not an RP, we had 200 people.

Ruska: I do plan on hyping this really hard, and plan to have some prize tournaments.

Arlyana: A discount for kids, even $1, means they don’t have to pay the non-member surcharge.

Ruska: I would like approval so I can get this up on the calendars.

Frithuric: Are we going to approve this at 200?

Eadgyth: Do want to schedule a special meeting so Ruska has time to do additional planning as needed?
Aaradyn: We could do that, I can propose July 22nd.

Ruska: I think that would be enough time to get the budget locked down.

Frithuric: What additional information would we need at that meeting.

Eadgyth: If we’re all comfortable with the final pricing.

It depends when the Autocrat and committee would be ready.

Eadgyth: Does taking paypal shorten the window for pre-reg? Are we going to do that.

Ruska: Correction, for 150 the planned expenses are $10 per head.

Donato: As the rules presently stand, we need to approve prior to signing the site contract.

Ruska: The corrected pricing would be $15 per member, $25 for non members, under 18 free.

Irini: Based on what we just discussed, do we need the supplementary meeting.

Eadgyth: Do we want to have it on the schedule and cancel if not needed?

Ruska: Do we need a family cap?

Multiple: If kids are free, then it’s probably not necessary.

Aradyn: Financial committee, do we approve the budget for Falling Leaves.

Vote: approved.

Stephanie: I will be moving to Maine in September, Clockwork and Iris will continue as Chancellor minors, but I’m not giving up on Carolingia completely. We’ll see how things settle out.

Financial committee, do we approve the budget for Falling Leaves.

Vote: approved.


Eadgyth: I’m going to mention that I noticed an entire squad of Carolingians in the unbelt list.

Frithuric: We are apparently going to get a windwall before Pennsic.

Aradyn: Enjoy the summer and Pennsic, we’ll see you in September.