Great Council Minutes Jun AS LIV (2024) 7:30 PM

Great Council Minutes Jun AS LIV (2024) 7:30 PM

Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman:

Fiore: We just had a lovely Rapier Champs, we rolled with something new that we are planning to keep with going forward. The winner was Grigori, and Aneska was second. Grigori will be the Baron’s Champion, and Aneska will be the Baroness’s championship. We may spread this to other champions as we see fit.

We want to thank the Barony for allowing us a second term starting in September. At that time we will be renewing the baronial household. If you are interested in filling a role in the household, let us know. If you aren’t sure, feel free to discuss it with us. Contact Fiore at “Baroness@”.


Seneschal Lady Aaradyn Gyoot

July council will happen on the first, it is not resecheduled due to the 4th.

There is no council in August, as usual.

Ethereal curia has been announced. Please read the agenda when it comes out and let me know if anything needs to be brought to the crown’s attention.

Seneschal of the Canton of the Towers: Lord Eirikr Lambson

No Report

Secretary Lord Donato Favro

No Report

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kara Irini bin Todori

No Report

Chancellor Minor Cristoff Gockerhan von Loch and Stephanie Leatherfoot L’Huissier
No Report

Chatelaine Master Justin de Coeur

No Report

Golden Gryphon Pursuivant Lord Richard Heyworth:

No Report

Gold Key Lord Orlando dei Medici

No Report

Knight Marshal Master Valerian of Somerset

No Report

Minister of Arts & Sciences Meisterin Cathain Ritter

No Report

Web Minister Lady Elspeth of Ruthven

No Report

Chronicler Lady Ysabel Da Costa:

No Report

Dance Lady Aelia Fortunata

No Report

Historian Mistress Eowyn Eilownwy of Alewife Brook

No Report

Rapier Marshal Lord Zohane Faber

No Report

Marshal Archery Master Peter the Red
No Report
Marshal Thrown Weapons Lord Pandaulf of Fenmere

Practice continues in Framingham on Saturday. We are starting to have a group lunch after practice for those who are interested.

Minister of the Lists Irini for Lord Trentus Nubianus

If your authorization is expired or expiring before Pensic, Trentus will send out notifications, keep an eye out for them.

Steward Lady Gudrun Thorvaldsdottir

No Report

Social Media Officer Lord Edvard Mickelson

No Report

Principals of Baronial Orders 

Order of the Daystar Lady Ysabel da Costa

The Order of the Daystar is the Baronial Service Award.

If you know someone you would like to nominate for the Daystar please let Their Excellencies or me know! The current list of Daystars is on the Baronial website.

Order of the Moon Lady Eleanor Catling:

The Order of the Moon is the Baronial Arts and Science Award.

If you know someone you would like to nominate for the Moon please let Their Excellencies or me know! The current list of Moons is on the Baronial website.

Herman King, Phaedra de Vere, Lynette, and ?. If you are not receiving the emails, please contact me.

Order of Perseus Master Symon Barnsdale:

The Order of the Perseus is the Baronial Martial Award.

If you know someone you would like to nominate for the Perseus please let Their Excellencies or me know! The current list of Perseids is on the Baronial website.

Order of the Comet Cristoff Gockerhan von Loch and Stephanie Leatherfoot L’Huissier

The Order of the Comet is the Baronial Award for youth in any of the above categories.

If you know someone you would like to nominate for the Comet please let Their Excellencies or me know!


Low Company Master Justin du Coeur

Storytellers Sire Michael of York

Waytes Lady Ysabel da Costa

Needleworkers Lord Donato Favro


Otters welcome: Report will be at July council.

Rapier Champs: July Council as well.

Event Proposals: Sugawara no Naeme: The kingdom currently has a backlog of award scrolls needed. I am proposing a scriptorium “Barony vs. Backlog”. This is planned to be a low key event focussed creating award documents to satisfy the kingdom’s backlog. The site would be the church used in Feast of fools. Cost $1250. Two events on for the 9th. The intent is for the event to be donation only. We expect this would lose a little money, but scribes already donate a lot to the kingdom and barony. Food would be potluck+drinks. Tokens would be $16 from amazon. Scribal classes are intended, including new scribes producing a complete scroll. A sharing and giving table. There will be space and time for music, needlworkers guild, etc. Total budget: $1381 dollars.

Pandaulf:With the event ending at 7, is the potluck lunch or dinner?

I envision a grazing station.

Donato: I commit a $100 donation to sponsor the event.

Frithuric: What has the average donation been at recent events?

Eon: The value is widely varied.

Rapiers: Average $8.32

Emails are confusing.

Ames hall will hold at least 200.

We don’t know how many people the couch to five scrolls event had.

Irini: Is there any known interest for running the classes?

Gunthorm: There were 20 at the Couch to 5k scrolls, but it did not have the publicity of the EK calendar, etc.

Arrydyn: Usually 3-4 teachers step up, with multiple classes. I think it’s viable.

Pandaulf: I think there is value in doing this. But if the Barony will take a financial loss, we need to discuss how painful that will be.
Irini: Cash in hand is over $20,000, after storage for the year is paid.

Pandaulf: So even if the entire amount was a loss, it wouldn’t break the barony.

Irini: Using past donation only events, we might lose about half the cost.
Eadgyth: Yes, we can take the loss. But we’ve so far this year had three events, two were donation only, all three came in with some amount of a loss. I would be more comfortable if this were a cheaper site.

Irini: (Otters isn’t a loss).

Eadgyth: What is the parking situation?
Sugawara: There is ample parking.

Eadgyth: I think we have to plan on a $6-800 loss. It’s a useful event, and sounds like fun. I am concerned about developing a pattern of “what kind of loss can we take”.

Frithuric: I think we’re in an interesting place, as we’re experimenting with donation events. We’re okay with losing a bit of money, but we’re uncomfortable planning for losses. This is a hard to predict event, but we need to work out our procedures. There might be some other way to defray costs. (Auctions, etc)?

Justin: We need to separate Donation only and low attendance. We need to figure out what average donations are, and be realistic about attendance.

Elspeth: It’s definitely a good idea to provide the breakdown, so people know what they’re donating for.

Pandaulf: I see us still rebuilding from the pandemic shutdowns, so some expense is unsurprising, and justifiable to keep the barony growing and active.

Irini: My concern is that there will be EK repercussions of they don’t receive NMR fees.

Donato: I think the BOD is responsible for their own outcomes from the NMR increase.


Event is approved.

Falling Leaves: John:There is a group from Rapier Champs that is interested in doing the “normal” non-RP falling leaves. Rasfa would be the lead. We haven’t nailed down a site on this, but we are reaching out to Westford 4h, and Veasy. If we can’t nail down a site, then the idea is to do a picnic on the lawn at fighter practice.

Right now we’d be aiming at Sept 21st as the only free weekend in the time frame. There are a couple of other options, but some conflicts.

We are planning to have a proposal by next council.

Irini: I had a tentative schedule from 4h, and the 21st was occupied.

Eowyn: I went to check for Jewish Holidays, and the 21st is clear.

Aaradyn: Vote

Approved, with the understanding of a budget for July Council.

Roskva Widowmaker.

Gundorm will be leading a Galliard class at Quintavia’s practice a week from Tuesday. Mosaic common;s house. 11th of June.

Needleworkers: Donato Favro

Meeting next Tueday as usual.

Frithuric: We still intend to do a Carolingian Encampment co-located with Whiteshield at GNEW.

Between GNEW and Pennsic there will be a (non-SCA) bi-baronial beach party somewhere around Hull.

Justin: July 7th is the annual low company “throw things at other things” event with a cookout. At Symon and Dierdre’s.