Ástrídr Sægeirsdottir – Tablet Woven Band

Ástrídr Sægeirsdottir – Tablet Woven Band

I have created a tablet woven band, based on the Oseberg Burial Ship find. While the original band was created in silk and linen, I used materials that I had on hand (60%/40% cotton linen blend). One of the things I noticed, while weaving, was the build up of twisted threads behind the tablet. One way to release the twist is to reverse the turning pattern from always turning the cards forward (away from me) to turning them backwards (turning towards me). That absolutely worked. What reversing my turning pattern also did was create these little pyramid patterns between the angled boxes. Six boxes forward – pyramid – six boxes backwards. (You can see this in a few of the images)

While I was inspired by the actual find, at the time of this writing, I haven’t yet found an image of the actual artifact. I did find Shelagh Lewins’ blog and used her instructions.  http://www.shelaghlewins.com/tablet_weaving/patterns_past.php

I would love to receive feedback on my piece. 

Learn more about the artisan at https://wiki.eastkingdom.org/index.php?title=%C3%81str%C3%AD%C3%B0r_S%C3%A6geirsdottir


  1. Peregrine the Illuminator

    Astridr, this looks to be good, even weaving. Looking at the coil of finished band, I’m impressed with your selvedges – the small loops I see in other pictures look to have tightened up in the wash, leaving you with smooth well-woven edges. I like your color choices, especially against that blue fabric. A quick search only shows that this artifact was on a loom, and thus the pictures are of the loom, not of the weave itself. For instance, Illustration Page 187 at http://www.forest.gen.nz/Medieval/articles/Oseberg/textiles/TEXTILE.HTM. Good luck on your future projects!

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