Baronial Meeting Minutes – January 4, 2016

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections.

  1. Their Excellencies
  • Baroness Nicolette: Since receiving approval for The Ride program, I have been to 2 Dance practices and the Fiber Crafts meeting in Peabody, and I have plans to attend the next Calligrapher’s guild meeting, Low Company gathering, Waytes practice, and the Arisia dance program! I’m having a blast and want to come to more events!  Please contact the Baroness if you want her at your meeting or gathering.

Also, Nicolette and Colin will be getting a new puppy the same weekend as Birka, so their Excellencies will not be attending Birka this year.

  • Baron Colin: Please be sure to publish meeting announcements for guilds and groups to ALL the usual posting locations.
  1. Officer Announcements
  • Seneschal: Aurelia Rufinia

After the last Council meeting, the Kingdom Seneschal and the Board of Directors reverted back to the original language for the Non-Member Surcharge, so there will be no change to non-member surcharges.

  • Fencing: Aiden

As many of you may know, Aiden has been the fencing marshal for the past 3 years. I have been training my replacement for the past few months.  The new fencing marshal is Lupold Hass!  Lupold was a transplant from the Mid Realm many years ago and is a long term Carolingian.

There will be a fencing demonstration at Arisia at 4:00pm on Saturday (1/16).

  • Order of the Moon: Gundormr Dengin

The next meeting of the Order of the Moon will be after the February council meeting (February 1st).  If you are a member of the Order of the Moon and have not been receiving recent e-mails, please contact Gundormr as soon as possible.

  • Gold Key: Aaradyn Ghyoot (standing in)

As a monthly reminder, if you have a need for Gold Key at an event, please contact in advance.  The more advance notice you provide, the better (and the less chance of having to pick up garb prior to the event).

  • Thrown Weapons: Asher de Lincolia

The Carlisle Thrown Weapons range will be closed until the spring.

  • Exchequer: Hugh Taurner

If you are a guild head who has not yet spent your $50 stipend, use it for this year.

  • Steward: Gudrun Thronvaldsdottir

The Barony has secured the new storage space!  Items will be moving from the old storage space to the new one, currently scheduled for the third weekend of January.  If you would like to help with the move, please contact the Steward to volunteer.

If you need access to the storage space for an upcoming event, please contact the Steward in advance for access.

  1. Guild Announcements
  • Low Company: Justin du Coeur

The next meeting of the Low Company will be on Friday, January 22nd  starting at 7:00pm at Chad & Amanda’s house.  Dinner will be at 6:00pm, please RSVP to Amanda.

  • Calligraphers: Aaradyn Ghyoot (standing in)

The December meeting was cancelled.  The next meeting of the scribes will be on February 14th from 3:00 to 5:00pm at the Canton of the Towers’ Project Day in Carlisle.

There will be open scribal hours at Birka in the third floor meeting room from 3:00 to 5:00pm.

  • Jongleurs: Eowyn (standing in)

The Waytes are currently practicing for Arisia.  There will be no Waytes practice on January 18th.  The Quire will be practicing on January 18th, and may be able to start earlier than usual.  The Quire may be practicing the Carolingian university hymn.

  • Dance: Gundormr Dengin (standing in)

Dance practice will resume in the spring.  Quintavia  is having their practice tomorrow (1/5) at Camelot for those interested in dancing.

  • Dance: Justin du Coeur (standing in)

The Arisia ball/dance demonstration will be at 5:30 on Saturday (1/16), all are welcome in garb!

  1. Baronial Matters
  • Officer Turnover Procedure: Justin du Coeur

The list of officers is currently online at; the positions that are scheduled to be reviewed are not required to be turned over.  This is a period to review whether the officer wishes to retain the office in order to avoid burnout.  Please contact Justin or the current officer if you are interested in the position.

  1. Events/Proposals
  • Service University: Aurelia Rufinia (standing in)

The event will be on February 13, 2016.  The deadline to offer to teach a class is Birka, please contact the Autocrat to sign up!

  • Carolingian Company of Bowmen Shoot: Erica Schlain

We are still looking for a site, please contact either Nora or me with a site of interest.  The site must be able to hold a 100 yard shoot.  The previous Baronial championships site in Bedford is a choice being considered but will require port-a-potty rentals.

  • Roundtable for officer turnover: Eadgyth

This roundtable discussion will be on January 20th at 7:00pm in Brighton at Eadgyth’s house, and will discuss best practices and guidelines for officer turnover.  This is in preparation for a panel at Service University.

  1. Announcements
  • Thory Vedardottir: The next melee practice is on January 9th in Fall River, please see the list for more details.
  • Gundormr Dengin: The census for the Barony is due very soon. Please fill out the census if you haven’t already as soon as possible to be counted (now closed).