Baronial Meeting Minutes – July 10, 2017

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections.

1.  Officer Announcements

  • Chatelaine: Aaradyn Ghyoot

The Newcomer’s Night has been doing well.  We also have 2 new people here tonight, just moved to Carolingia from Atlantia!

  • Liber: Aildreda de Tamwurthe

I am looking for a different modality to keep the Liber’s data in and produce it to the populace.  The program I currently use is too expensive for the Barony to maintain.  The new modality must not be online, have easy print formatting capabilities, capable of housing a large amount of data, and usable for non-programmers.  Please contact me with ideas!

  • Thrown Weapons: Symon of Barnesdale

3 out of the 4 finalists for Kingdom Thrown Weapons Championships were from Carolingia!  Bryon de Burgh of Carolingia is the new Queen’s Champion!

2.  Guild Announcements

  • Calligraphers: Aaradyn Ghyoot

We’re on hiatus for the summer.  There will be a Scribal roundtable at Battle of the 5 Armies.

  • Dance: Gundormr Dengin (standing in)

The Renaissonics are hoping to run another Valentine’s Day dance this coming year at the New England Conservatory.  More details to come as they become available.

  • Low Company: Justin du Coeur

The next meeting of the Low Company will be Friday, July 28th at 6:30pm at Chad and Amanda’s house.  Please come early as we will be playing outdoor games.

  • Jongleurs (Waytes): Ysabel de Costa

The Waytes are on vacation until after Pennsic.

  • Jongleurs (Quire): Orlando dei Medici

The Quire will be meeting on Monday, July 17th and July 24th at 7pm at the Church of the Good Shepard in Watertown.

3.  Events/Proposals

  • Archery Event: Kobayashi Yutaka

Because of scheduling conflicts for Baronial Archery Championships this fall, I have been looking into alternatives to host this event.  There is a rentable area called Draw 7 State Park near Assembly Square by the river.  There are no facilities or running water on the site, so outside facilities would have to be brought in.  I will research rates, allowances, and other information for future presentation.

  • Battle of the Five Armies: Andreiko Eferier

This event will be a camping event on August 25-27, 2017 at the Camp Resolute Boy Scout Camp in Bolton, MA.  The pre-registration deadline is August 1st.  Isabelle is the Carolingia Camp Coordinator; please contact her about camp ideas and arrangements.  There is open camping space available and cabins for rent as well.

  • Falling Leaves: Aurelia Rufinia (standing in)

This event is scheduled for September 16, 2017 at the 4-H Fairground in Westford, MA.  Due to scheduling constraints, there will not be camping available this year.  There will be a variety of events this year, but championships are to be determined per their Excellencies.

  • Baronial Archery & Thrown Weapons Championships: Kazimierz

Due to scheduling constraints, this event is postponed to next year.  The championships may possibly be held at Falling Leaves pending their Excellencies’ decision.

  • Baronial Performance Championships: Aildreda de Tamwurthe

Per their Excellencies’ request, I propose this event for fall timeframe.  Their Excellencies would be judges with an advisor to keep track of all candidates.  This would be an impromptu type setup, with performers entertaining without explanation of their act and holding the room with audience throughout.  Additionally, because the Champion needs to be able to speak to and encourage other performers in the Barony, performers need to pick 15-20 other performers that they had seen and liked and be able to speak to those performances.  This ensures that performers can demonstrate their craft as well as stay attentive to other performers.  This event would have a dayboard but no feast.  There also needs to be a separate run space and/or noise area for kids so as to not interrupt performances.  The Church in Winchester would be a possible site but we would need a church member to sponser this.  Another alternative site idea would be a tavern style setup.  Please contact Aildreda for ideas.

  • Project Night: Alanna of Skye

I have acquired dropcloths, and propose a banner painting night at my home in Watertown on August 6th.  I would like for these to be Baronial banners for generic heraldry, and I have had experience doing this for the Kingdom.  I would request funds for paint.  After discussion, it was noted that Baronial locker space may be limited.  Donations are being accepted in the interim with a reimbursement request to be given to council after Pennsic.

  • Known World Academy of Rapier: Aurelia Rufinia (standing in)

The arrangements with the hotel have fallen through, and this bid has been withdrawn.

4.  Announcements

  • Eowyn Eilonwy: New awards for Carolingians were given at Northern Region War Camp. Remy Delamontagne de Gascogne received his Silver Brooch and was inducted into the Order of Defense, Scrooby of Carolingia received his Silver Rapier, Nataliia Anastasiia Evgenova was inducted into the Order of the Laurel, and Donovan Shinnock was inducted into the Order of the Silver Crescent.
  • Isabelle & Alanna of Skye: The next Newcomer’s Night will be on Monday, July 24th, starting at 6:30pm at our home in Watertown, and will be an introduction into SCA titles, hats, & regalia. For more details, please see postings on the Carolingia Facebook event and the baronial website. We’re also hosting a bartertown swap at the next Newcomer’s Night on Monday, August 21st!
  • Orlando dei Medici: Please join us for the annual singing for drink walk, Monday of War Week, bring an ID, light, and a vessel to drink with. Please also visit Camp Crooked Cat!

5.  By-Law Amendment Voting Results

I.   Passed – In Section VII, 3.5.5, replace the phrase “azure, semy of estoiles, a pall wavy or” with “Azure, a pall wavy Or between six mullets of eight points argent”

II.  Denied – Section IV. Events, 8. After the event, the Autocrat shall write a
general report documenting it, including information on the site, the event staff, the event activities, and any other matters of interest.  Copies of this report shall be presented to the Seneschal and the Historian no later than the second Great Council meeting after the event closes.

III.  Passed – Round one will reduce the set of candidates to no more than five, and
provide an order for the list of candidates.
[no change to subsection A]
B. All nominees will be listed on the ballot.  Voters will mark their ballots with numbers, and may vote in numerical order for as many of the candidates as they like.  Then the ballots will be tabulated using a form of the instant runoff method.  To wit: Each ballot will be counted as one vote for that first choice candidate.  At the end of the first round, the candidate with the fewest votes will be eliminated. If a voter’s first place candidate is eliminated, then their next highest ranked choice will be used.  This process will continue until only one candidate is left.  Then this candidate and the last four counted out will be ranked by order of elimination; if the ballot started with five or fewer candidates, then all the candidates will be ranked in this fashion. The resulting five or fewer candidates will form the set of nominees for the Round Two ballot, in the order determined by the elimination step.

  1. During the elimination step, if two or more candidates end up with the same number of votes, the elimination order among these candidates shall be chosen at random.
  2. The votes will be counted at the meeting by three people, who will include the current seneschal, a representative on the Kingdom level from out of Barony, and a retired Baronial seneschal or former Baronial officer.  None of the vote counters can be candidates for the Baronial Seat.  If the current seneschal is a nominee, he will appoint another baronial officer to take his place.
    D. The results will be announced at the meeting, as well as being published in the next Baronial newsletter and on any official electronic mailing lists.

IV.  Passed – When there are proposed amendments which are to be voted on at the same meeting, which are in the Seneschal’s opinion mutually exclusive, they will be voted on simultaneously against an option of no change, using the instant runoff method.