Buon Giorno, Carolingia!
As we began planning our first court, we held the dream of Florence in our minds.
Florence in the 16th century was an explosion of energy, of discourse, dance, music, and artistic endeavor. But also of military prowess and martial innovation. It was a time for scholars, thinkers, and doers. Florence was a place of great diversity, where nobles and envoys from around the world enriched the fabric of the society at large. Where the son of an enslaved woman could be Duke. It was a period of feminist flex and the embracing of complexity. We wish for Carolingia, this vibrance and this power.

We see our role as helping to spark energy, to provide a little focus, and to enable this Barony to do fun and amazing things.
We wish to engage this populace to do more things together. As with the ice cream socials, we wish to create small, localized opportunities to build community (as the plague allows). To have all of you share what is unique and special about your areas of interest with each other. To welcome newcomers and re-engage people we have missed along the way.
We want to speak to each of you. There should be no Carolingians we haven’t talked to, so don’t be shy – come introduce yourself (maybe not all at once).
At the beginning of this process we asked, “What does it mean to be Carolingian?” We got a lot of different answers and honestly, a lot of blank stares. We want to have an answer. We wish to help define what it means to be Carolingian using your voices. Not a singular voice but a diverse chorus made of us all. As a result, you may notice that Carolingia does not have one heraldic vox and we will not have a single vox herald for our tenure. We will speak with many voices for we represent all of Carolingia.
We are yours and we are excited to begin this journey with you.
Al Suo Servizio,
Fiore e Frithuric
Baronessa e Barone di Carolingia