Great Council Minutes August AS LVII (2022) 7:30 PM

Great Council Minutes August AS LVII (2022) 7:30 PM

Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman:

Their excellencies are still alive, in car 3 on their way to Pennsic.


Seneschal Lady Aaradyn Gyoot

Seneschal of the Canton of the Towers: Lord Thorvald Olafsson Kveld-Hrútssonar

Secretary Lord Donato Favro

July’s minutes will come out this week along with August’s.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kara Irini bin Todori

Chancellor Minor Theo of Carolingia 

Chatelaine Lady Patience Faircloth 
Patience has stepped down, Justin du Couer has taken the role in a temporary capacity. We thank her for her service. 

Golden Gryphon Pursuivant Richard Heyworth:

Gold Key Lady Ysabel da Costa

Knight Marshal Valerian of Somerset

No practices during Pennsic, they will resume late August.

Minister of Arts & Sciences Meisterin Cathain Ritter

Web Minister Magister Symon of Barnesdale

Chronicler Master Gunðormr Dengir:

Dance Lady Aelia Fortunata

Historian Mistress Eowyn Eilownwy of Alewife Brook

We recently received a donation of old publications from a former Provost of the Borough of Felding. This may include duplicates, but it contains the master of the book “The Fair Ladies of Felding”. This includes a collection of historical interviews and publications. We will digitize this for recording purposes, and attempt to determine copyright status.

Liber Editor Lord Orlando dei Medici

Marshal Fence Lord Zohane Faber

Marshal Archery Master Peter the Red
Archery is taking place during Pennsic

Marshal Thrown Weapons Lady Dierdre Greenwode

Thrown weapons in Carlisle is happening.

Minister of the Lists Lord Trentus Nubianus

Steward Lord Zohane Faber

Clerk of the Stable Etain ingen Ut Neill

Social Media Officer Lady Caterina Genevra Beltrami

Principals of Baronial Orders 

Order of the Daystar Lord Guinemar d’Anglade

If you see anyone who deserves induction into the order for service, please recommend them to the order. You do not need to be a member of the order to make recommendations.

There will be an e-mail sometime in early August.

Order of the Moon Lady Eleanor Catling

If you see anyone who deserves induction into the order for A&S, please recommend them to the order. You do not need to be a member of the order to make recommendations.

Order of Perseus Lord Pandaulf:

If you see anyone who deserves induction into the order for martial activities, please recommend them to the order. You do not need to be a member of the order to make recommendations.

Order of the Comet Theo of Carolingia

If you see any youth who deserves induction into the order please recommend them to the Youth Minister. You do not need to be a member of the order to make recommendations.


Needleworkers Etain ingen Ut Neill

Low Company Master Justin du Coeur


Calligraphers Lady Aaradyn Ghyoot:


Falling Leaves: Katla of Vyborg

Falling Leaves this year will be intended to be a more casual event. Everything will still occur, but the intent is to be more of a social event. There will be Archery, Equestrian, Carolingian A&S Competition at FL. The current champion is moving out of Barony. Bring a project you loved.

Prereg will be set up this week. (Paypal)

Ysabel: The waytes have been on hiatus, but is any dancing planned for the event, as we would like to get practices planned. And is gold key required? Katla: Yes.

Fortunata: Can you participate in the A&S competition while not being present? Katla: We will have to work out details. Her Excellency: If a person has a major reason for not being there, we would appreciate their virtual or remote entry.

Aaradyn: Casandra will be acting seneschal during falling leaves.

50 Year: No report.

Invitation from Serafina de la Torre: Demo in Qunitavia. 

General announcements: 

University Atlantia: Sat sept 17 will not be streamed, but Sun 18th will be online.