Great Council Minutes January AS LV (2022) 7:30 PM

Great Council Minutes January AS LV (2022) 7:30 PM

Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman:

Happy New Year. We know the new shutdown feels like a bit of a step backwards, but we can continue with the new momentum.


Seneschal Lady Aaradyn Gyoot

The kingdom has announced a 2 week shutdown through Jan 17th. Everything (meetings, practices, etc) are shutdown. It will be reviewed on the 15th-16th to determine the path forward.

The winter gathering is currently outside of this range, but planning is happening in case the shutdown is extended.

Big wheel of cheese day is coming up. It is a chance to meet with the Baronial Senseschal. 15 minute blocks will be allotted, with no recording. This is a chance to bring absolutely anything related to the Barony or the SCA to her attention. 

Seneschal of the Canton of the Towers: Lord Thorvald Olafsson Kveld-Hrútssonar

Secretary Lord Donato Favro

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kara Irini bin Todori

Chancellor Minor Theo of Carolingia 

Chatelaine Lady Patience Faircloth

Next newcomer night will be Jan 17th at 7pm, moved up from the 4th Monday to provide newcomers a chance to reach out before the midwinter gathering.

Please welcome newcomers that show up on calls or meetings.

A new deputy Chatelaine is needed. Please contact Patience if you are interested. She is especially interested in newcomers who might be looking to get involved.

Golden Gryphon Pursuivant Richard Heyworth:

Heraldic officers Jan 11th. Please watch facebook for details.

Online class has been postponed.

Gold Key Ysabel da Costa

Please let Ysabel know when and where gold key services are required.

Knight Marshal Valerian of Somerset

Minister of Arts & Sciences Lady Cathain Reiter

University of Atlantia online the first week of february. Very interesting class list.

Web Minister Magister Symon of Barnesdale

Reach out if you need help with online activities.

Chronicler Vacant:

If you are interested in being chronicler, please step up. This is a required office to maintain the status as a Barony, and must be filled within 30 days.

Eadgyth: This is a low effort office. The chronicler must put out at least 4 issues of the newsletter of record per year in a static format (PDF is acceptable) to certain defined recipients. It must be provided in print for those who choose, this is a minimal list, and there is a budget for mailing if required. There are certain items that must be in each issue (list of officers, legal language from kingdom, etc.). Beyond that, it is up to you what to include, and it typically reflects the interests of the Chronicler. We currently provide a the Minuscule to a larger list of subscribers, and more frequently. 
Since we have a populace that is generally technologically accessible, the needs from a static newsletter are somewhat less critical than in some locations. 

For more information, talk to the former chroniclers: Kendrick, Eadgyth, many others.

The next chronicler may be interested in updating the Baronial website on the Minuscule. 

Dance Lady Aelia Fortunata

Dance is still on hiatus especially with the kingdom shutdown. 

Historian Mistress Eowyn Eilownwy of Alewife Brook

Liber Editor Lord Orlando dei Medici

Marshal Fence Lord Zohane Faber

Marshal Archery Master Peter the Red

There will be no “official” practice with scores and such.  

Marshal Thrown Weapons Lady Dierdre Greenwode

If you want thrown weapons at your event, reach out to the thrown weapons marshal.

Minister of the Lists Lord Trentus Nubianus

Steward Lord Zohane Faber

Clerk of the Stable Etain ingen Ut Neill

Social Media Officer Lady Caterina Genevra Beltrami

Principals of Baronial Orders 

Order of the Daystar Guinemer:

If you see people providing service to the Barony, please call them to the attention to Guinemer, or any other member of the order. You do not need to be a member to recommend someone.

Order of the Moon Eleanor:

The moon list should now be up to date from past requests. If you are not on the list, please send a request to ( Please recommend people you see doing A&S.

Order of Perseus Lord Pandaulf:

Recommendations also welcome for those in martial activities.

The companions list on the web page needs to be updated for all orders, Principals please reach out to the webminister to provide updates. 

You can also add baronial orders to the EK wiki.


Needleworkers Etain ingen Ut Neill

Virtual meeting on January 27th at 6:30. The link will go out within the next week.

Low Company Master Justin du Coeur

No meetings until the current covid wave passes.


Calligraphers Lady Aaradyn Ghyoot:

Waytes: Ysabel da Costa

No practice until activities resume.



~25 people registered, with a cap of 75. Further announcements and reminders will be forthcoming. This is, of course, subject to further covid guidelines. Potluck feast, a small (SCA themed) gift exchange, and a small court. The Waytes have volunteered to perform.

Editors note: Midwinter was cancelled between the meeting and publication.

East goes East: Patience

The Kingdom calendar announcement is up on the website, so you can register for the event or volunteer to teach a class. The class list should be published in early Februrary. A number of volunteers would be appreciated to help with moderation. February 19th.


Class volunteer:

Event volunteer:

Otters Welcome:

May 21. Volunteers are still appreciated.

50 Year: Patience

No updates.

Falling Leaves 2022:

Katla is currently putting together a bid for this event. Our prior site is available for a 3 day event. The council votes to permit Katla to move forward. 

It has space for Equestrian, so that may be included.

SCA Announcements.


Justin ran a great autocratting roundtable in December. This should be the first of several such events covering differing topics. The next will be after Arisia. Please drop Justin a line with topics you are interested in.

Etain: Registration for Pennsic is open.

General announcements: 

Arisia is, at present, still scheduled. Some members of the Waytes may be involved in the renaissance dance, but it is their own decision, and not an SCA activity. 

Editors note: Arisia was cancelled between the meeting and publication.