Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman:
A great event this weekend. A new A&S champion. Farewell to Tasha, welcome to Phedre. It was a great day, and we welcomed leander, the first baby of our tenure.
If you are interested in running an event, the kingdom calendar is a little late, so please feel free to step up. We can get you an assistant if needed.
Seneschal Lady Aaradyn Gyoot
Welcome to September Council. The harrasment and bullying policy has been updated, although this slide is not quite current. Please update your slides appropriately.
A huge thank you to Kassandra for stepping in during falling leaves so my wedding could occur. Aaradyn is now married to Guinemere.
Thank you to the barony for running a great event without me.
A reminder that facebook is not official communication. Please make sure that all activities are announced over the e-mail list as well as on other media.
Seneschal of the Canton of the Towers: Lord Thorvald Olafsson Kveld-Hrútssonar
No Report
Secretary Lord Donato Favro
No Report
Chancellor of the Exchequer Kara Irini bin Todori
No Report
Chancellor Minor Theo of Carolingia
No Report
Chatelaine Master Justin du Coeur
I am now the chatelaine pro-tem for Carolingia. If you have newcomers that need anything, direct them to me. In addition, I am looking for a deputy or deputies who might be interested in assuming the role.
Golden Gryphon Pursuivant Lord Richard Heyworth:
Gold key had significant discussion at the event. GK received multiple donations, and is currently oversupplied. Therefore we are planning a project day during the winter to sort and mend, and select items to hand to newcomers at otters.
Knight Marshal Valerian of Somerset
Practices have resumed, please check the e-mail list for announcements.
Minister of Arts & Sciences Meisterin Cathain Ritter
No Report.
Web Minister Magister Symon of Barnesdale
The website and e-mail list still exist, please use them.
Chronicler Master Gunðormr Dengir
No Report
Dance Lady Aelia Fortunata
No Report
Historian Mistress Eowyn Eilownwy of Alewife Brook
No Report
Liber Editor Lord Orlando dei Medici
No Report
Marshal Fence Lord Zohane Faber
Good fencing both days this weekend. The pies tourney went well. Fencing practices Wedensday in Framingham, Thursday in Cambridge (off this week).
Marshal Archery Master Peter the Red
Archery practice is continuing on Sundays. Lots of people at practices and at falling leaves.
Marshal Thrown Weapons Lady Dierdre Greenwode
No Report
Minister of the Lists Lord Trentus Nubianus
No Report
Steward Lord Zohane Faber
If anyone is interested in stepping up as steward, please contact me, as I would like to free up some space. There may be some items we can divest during the transition.
Katla; Is there a job description for the steward?
Yes. It will be included with the message to the e-mail list.
Clerk of the Stable Etain ingen Ut Neill
No Report
Social Media Officer Lady Caterina Genevra Beltrami
No Report.
Principals of Baronial Orders
Order of the Daystar Lord Guinemar d’Anglade
Richard Heyworth has joined the order.
If you see anyone who deserves induction into the order for service, please recommend them to the order. You do not need to be a member of the order to make recommendations.
There will be an e-mail sometime in early August.
Order of the Moon Lady Eleanor Catling:
If you see anyone who deserves induction into the order for A&S, please recommend them to the order. You do not need to be a member of the order to make recommendations.
Welcome Leonette to the order.
Order of Perseus Lord Pandaulf
If you see anyone who deserves induction into the order for martial activities, please recommend them to the order. You do not need to be a member of the order to make recommendations.
Welcome Elian of Fellswood to the order, as they step down to the captain of the company of Bowman.
Order of the Comet Theo of Carolingia
If you see any youth who deserves induction into the order please recommend them to the Youth Minister. You do not need to be a member of the order to make recommendations.
Q: Are nominations for cuteness allowed?
Not unless you can document their cuteness as service.
Needleworkers Etain ingen Ut Neill
Low Company Master Justin du Coeur
The next meeting is not yet scheduled, but it will likely be sometime in October. Please let Justin know if you have a game you’d like to learn.
Calligraphers Lady Aaradyn Ghyoot:
Carolingian Company of Bowman: Baroness Arlyana van Wyck
If any of the members are interested in stepping up as captain, please contact one of the liuetenants. Hopefully a shoot will occur soon.
Waytes Lady Ysabel da CostaNo meeting tonight, but there were musicians at falling leaves, including members new to the Waytes. Music was made, and we had a good time.
Falling Leaves: ~190 attendees on Saturday. ~105 were walk in registration. The event definitely broke even and probably made some profit. Final numbers are pending completion of expense reports.
Thanks to everyone who helped, including:
Matilda of Carolingia, and others who worked gate.
Orland and Sienna for making dayboard happen.
Ysabel for goldkey.
All the martials for their respective areas.
Lillian Stanhope for Equestrian.
Allana of Skye: Plushy throw for the little kids.
Thank you for attending as well.
50 Year: Nothing to report.
Event Proposal: Frithuric for Valerian of Sommerset
Valerian has been the heavy list Champion for some time, and he is proposing a Baronial Heavy Weapons Champion, Oct 15h as preference, 16th, Oct 22, 23 following weekend as fallback.
The proposed site is winnekinnie castle, availability is being checked. Fallback location is ipswich river park. The primary purpose will be the heavy weapons champions. This should be an inexpensive site and event, a halfdayish sort of event similar to Rapier champions.
Arlyanna: Is their enough time to publicize this kingdom wide?
Yes, and while foreign visitors are welcome, this event is more focused on local participation.
Rapier champs had time to be announced for insurance purposes, and this is on a similar time frame.
Eadgyth: Kingdom law has changed, but some Corpora references require a Baronial court to be published in the journal of record.
To date, the baronial publication has been sufficient.
Court was held at Rapier Champs.
Tasha: Nothing in kingdom law appears to define publicization requirements. Adequate publication to the local populace has been in sufficient.
I will check Corpora next.
Frithutic: Can we approve this pending legal/corpora requirements?
Aaradyn: Yes. Please Vote.
Majority approves.
General announcements:
Tasha: I quit my position as central region seneschal, as I will be moving at some point. A call has gone out for replacements everyone. If you are interested, there is a form to fill out. It’s not especially onerous.
Arlyana: The infamous privateer Peter Red Beard who died by his own hand while attempting to poison opposing lawyer.
Justin: The usual heads up for this time of year. As far as we know, Arisia is happening this time of year on Martin Luther King weekend. There will be the standard Rennaisance Ball as an SCA Demo, and possibly a fencing demo, if fencers are interested. And our Seneschal is in the Art Show.
Ysabel: I have been tasked with putting together an A&S exhibit at Coronation. Please let me know if you are going and can join the display. If you have a display that you can hand off, coordinate with Ysabel.
Pandaulf: Sunday the 18th, Worcester Start in Qunitavia. 11am-6pm Demo.Coordinate with Seraphina if you are interested.