We have local artisans researching and recreating a wide range of Medieval activities. If you’re interested in learning more about an activity that isn’t listed, contact the Minister of Arts and Sciences, who may be able to help put you in touch with people who have similar interests. Regular practices and meetings for our currently active guilds and groups are posted on our Calendar.
- Brewing – Interested in making your own beer, wine, mead, or liqueurs? Contact the Guildhead.
- Calligraphy and Illumination – Interested in learning how to write in a medieval script? How about learning how to paint with medieval materials? Contact the Guildhead.
- Cooking – Interested in finding out what medieval and renaissance people ate? Curious about how to make that kind of food? Come to a Cooks’ Guild meeting to test out recipes, investigate new foods, and most importantly, taste the results! Contact the Guildhead.
- Dance – Learn the courtly and country dances of the Renaissance, just like a courtier of old! Dances are taught at each practice. Contact the Guildhead.
- Middle Eastern Dance – Learn dances from lands to the east of Europe. Contact the Guildhead.
- Foresters’ Guild – The Foresters are a kingdom-wide ranked group that studies skills necessary to live in the outdoors, such as fire-starting, cooking over a fire, and forestry. Contact the Guildhead.
- Instrumental Music – Learn and play instrumental music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance with one of the most established bands in the Knowne Worlde – the Waytes of Carolingia! Together with the Quire, they form the Guild of Musicians and Jongleurs. Contact the Waytes Captain.
- Vocal Music – Sing and learn plainsong, polyphony, madrigals, and other vocal music of the Middle ages and Renaissance with the Quire of Carolingia! Together with the Waytes, they form the Guild of Musicians and Jongleurs. Contact the Quire Captain.
- Needleworkers – Learn embroidery and other needlework techniques as done in history through the end of the 16th century. Contact the Guildhead.
- Philosophy – The Carolingian Fellowship of Philosophers exists to discuss topics related to the ‘Middle Ages’, the Society, and the interface between the Society and the modern world. Contact the Guildhead.
- Storytellers – Watch storytellers practice and learn how to tell stories like the bards of legend. Contact the Guildhead.