Seneschal Kassandra gavels the meeting to order. We need to admit that it’s June, and move on. Next council will be the combined July/August meeting.
- Baroness Raziya reports on awards from Otter’s Welcome and Pantheria, see below. She presents Baronial favors printed on linen! More will be made in time for Pennsic, so that members of the Barony may show their affiliation with pride.
- Lady Dierdre of Mitgaard, Seneschal of the dormant Canton of Aschehyrst, seems to be asleep.
- Ivan, Seneschal of the Canton of the Towers, reports that the group is meeting monthly and doing art-y stuff.
- Chatelaine Aaradyn Ghyoot has received a lot of positive feedback from Otter’s, and even some not-so-positive feedback (a newbie was mis-gendered by another participant). Aaradyn will be taking a class at Pennsic regarding the handling of such issues.
- Chronicler Kendrick del Grenewode is not present; it is reported that he is in the throes of moving house.
- Eadgyth would like to retire from the office of Clerk of the Stables; who would like to take over? She explains the duties of her office to all present, whether interested or otherwise.
- Chancellor of the Exchequer: Lord Orlando dei Medici requests the event report for OW.
- Golden Gryphon Herald Anezka is present but has no report.
- Historian: Mistress Eowyn Eilownwy of Alewife Brook says that nothing is new.
- Symon of Barnsdale, Marshal of Thrown Weapons, says the ranges are open!
- Minister of Lists Kira says: get your authorizations now!
- The Steward, Lord Zohane Farber, has 40 or 50 more cubic feet of bins in his basement since last report. They may be breeding.
- Webminister: Symon reports that the web site is running to his satisfaction. Changes of officer should be reported to him.
Principals of the Baronial Orders:
- Lady Kira says that Daystar has a new member.
- Moon has several new members.
- The Secretary requests that people send her email to report the names of the new Order members, so that she may list them in the minutes (see below).
Representatives of the Guilds:
- Accademia della Danza: Lord Gundormr Dengir is not present, but is rumored to be contemplating a change of name.
- Lady Aaradyn Ghyoot reports that the Calligraphers Guild is on hiatus.
- Jongleurs (Waytes): Lady Ysabel da Costa reports that the Waytes are continuing to meet on an irregular summer schedule, and mentions that trumpet project again.
- Low Company: Master Justin du Coeur reports that the company will next meet Friday June 21; books of games will be reviewed.
- Philosophers: Eowyn hopes everyone has their thinking hats on, please think.
- Storytellers will meet at the end of June on a date TBA.
- Kira says, we had an event: Otters Welcome! Yay! We grossed around $2500; about 200 people attended, of whom 30 were newcomers. Other than one person’s windshield getting broken by a falling tree limb, things went smoothly. File soon if you need reimbursements. Thanks are distributed broadly.
- Falling Leaves: Baron Thomas says we need to do paperwork; the target date is still Sept. 14.
- Kira says: Crown is due to come around to Central Region. She has a possible site, and is waiting for details. We can do a late bid, or try again in 2 years, what does the Council think? After some discussion, it is decided to push forward and try for a bid for this Fall.
- Baroness Raziya says we have a demo coming up at the Brookline library on June 15; fencing and indoor crafts are planned. Demos are good, please come help.
- Eadgyth reports that the EK Exchequer was amazed by our donation to the Kingdom treasury, which was announced at Otter’s Welcome.
- Eowyn reminds everyone about the Boston Early Music Festival, which will take place next week.
The meeting is gaveled closed. See you in July!
Here follows the report of Their Excellencies of Carolingia’s Baronial Court, done at Otter’s Welcome. The Order of the Moon inducted Mistress Thyra Eriksdottir and Signoria Fiore Leonetta Bardi. The Order of Perseus inducted Baroness Alana of Skye, Baroness Isabelle de Montreuil sur Mer, Svavfnir Thorvaldson, and Ludovic of Carolingia. The Order of the Daystar inducted Lady Deidre of MITGaard. Lady Deidre and Lord Symon then received Her Excellency’s Token of Esteem. Their Excellencies thanked the event staff and therein closed their Court. (Thanks to Lady Aaradyn for this report.)
The Secretary observes that she is unable to publish this post unless it contains a “featured image”. In order to satisfy that requirement, here is a photo of one of the stamped Baronial Favors mentioned above.