Council Minutes – May 4, 2020

Council Minutes – May 4, 2020

The text of the Society’s policy against harassment and bullying and a request to “please mute yourself after joining” are displayed on the screen as participants join the online meeting.

Welcome and Announcements by Seneschal Kassandra

  • Please check out the EK dance challenge video!  Several period dances are featured, notably Thyra doing a Corranto to Eye of the Tyger.  
  • Pennsic has been postponed.  Money is being raised for the food pantry in Portersville; Kassandra will put the link in the Facebook group (it’s  There is also an SCA Merchant Relief FB group.  If you have storage with the Coopers, you may want to pay for it now to help them out.
  • June 1st and July 6th Councils will be held online.  We still need to do the annual bylaw review. I’m going to put out a call for proposals to be due by Aug. 3rd, but I hope to be meeting in person by the time we need to discuss/vote on them. 

Welcome from Their Excellencies Master Thomas of Effingham and Mistress Raziya bint Rusa

  • Raziya asks if there should be a virtual Baronial Court?  More pageantry than award-giving: looking for music, heralding, bardic, etc.  Several enthusiastic responses are noted in the meeting chat. 
  • Thomas reminds us of the project to replace the Baronial coronets.  That is still a thing, if we want to go forward with it, depending on our finances.  He had contacted an artist who gave a reasonable quote.  Eowyn unmutes to ask how this would affect our financial situation?  Kassandra notes that we have no income at present, only outflow.  Falling Leaves has not yet been called, one way or the other.  Justin opines that this is a good time to support merchants and artists, as they are hurting.  Kassandra suggests getting a second estimate.  

Announcements by Baronial Officers

  • Ivan announces that Towers is having a Project Day (Inkle Weaving taught by Katla of Viborg) and Business Meeting via Google Meet on 5/17, starting at 3pm.  More information closer to the date.
  • Chancellor Minor Fiore di Bardi sends this word:  I will be sending out an email, but also want to mention that I’m interested in knowing whether parents would be interested in child-friendly virtual class offerings.  Also any gentles who might be willing to teach said classes if there is enough interest. 
  • Kendrick, our Chronicler, sends these words: There is no statement on coronation yet and no one in any kingdom has offered a viable option for crown tourney, although I do like zoom A&S battles decided by viewers! Since all events are canceled through June and meetings are virtual my calendar is bare. I am sending everyone to our Facebook pages for information on ethereal meetings and fellowship. Minuscule sending May 5. 
  • Dance class is still off for the foreseeable future.  Dancemistress Fortunata says that people should continue to be kind to themselves and essential workers. 
  • New Exchequer Kara Irini Bint Todori says that Q1 is done, it was a quiet quarter.  She is now polishing up our financial bylaws. 
  • Alanna (Gold Key) says: please don’t give her more stuff right now, nobody is borrowing anything. 
  • Anezka says she will hold online heraldic office hours next Tuesday 5/12, 5:30 – 8:30 PM. 
  • Knight Marshal Valerian is bored and hitting things in his yard. 
  • Zohane, Marshal of Fence, has just attended an online class by Remy.  Another class is taking place on Thursdays. 
  • A&S: there are a lot of online Arts and Sciences activities, ask Kassandra if you want more details.  Caitrona manages to unmute herself and adds that there will be an Italian virtual salon for the whole Known World this Saturday.  If you would like to host or teach a thing online, that would be great.  Fortunata will be teaching a Latin class tomorrow at 7 PM; several other people mention their online classes in quick succession, too rapidly for your Secretary to capture. 
  • Webministry: Symon says he is pleased to see how much the Barony is participating in the EK online community.

Event Updates

  • Falling Leaves — let’s talk about that!  Katla finds her un-mute button and says, cautiously, that she is still optimistic about prospects for this Fall outdoor event.

Announcements from the Baronial Orders

  • Moon: Aaradyn reports that the Moon had an online meeting, and would have some awards to hand out if that were a thing right now.  There are plenty of opportunities to observe people doing arts things online, so let a Moon know if you think someone should be recognized.
  • Perseus: Aiden says that the Order will meet later tonight.  They will do an overview of business; he will continue to discuss the transfer of stewardship to a new person.

Announcements from Representatives of the Guilds

  • Cooks: Zohane has just posted the first Carolingian Test Kitchen video (thanks to Symon for editing!).  Other cooks may be interested in creating additional episodes.
  • Waytes:  Ysabel says that the Waytes had a social meeting on Sunday, but no rehearsals are taking place.  We are considering ways to play music together, either virtually or while social distancing at some future time.
  • Low Company:  Justin says nothing is yet scheduled, maybe later this month, perhaps board games.  Talk to Justin or Symon if you have an opinion. 
  • Needleworkers Guild will be meeting online on Thursday, May 28th at 6:30pm.  Please look for an event listing with details.
  • Patience as Acting Chatelaine says there will be a virtual newcomers event soon on how to get involved in our current online activities. 
  • Philosophers:  Eowyn says this is the Zombie Apocolypse; she is glad we are all taking the situation philosophically. 
  • Storytellers will have their monthly meeting on Monday the 18th, two weeks from today.  We will be meeting online using Zoom from 7:30 to 9:30pm. People should contact Michael for the Zoom meeting invite. Most reliable way to reach me is via email:  As usual, performers, bards, singers, and audience members are all welcome.  And also all are invited to bring something interesting to share. 
  • The next session of the Reading Manuscripts Group, where we work on reading period hands, will be meeting May 17th and working on Irish Cursive and Miniscule.  We will be online from about 1-3 PM and all are welcome, regardless of experience with reading manuscripts or Latin.  Please contact Gunthormr for more details. 
  • The Exchequer says she is looking for a deputy.  Please speak to her, no rush.

General announcements:

  • Fortunata says, Happy Mother’s Day this weekend!
  • Aaradyn is going to make her pop-up scribal a weekly thing: Thursday May 7 at 8 PM.  This is informal, come drop in with whatever you are working on.

Having a poodle in her lap and no gavel handy, Kassandra adjourns the meeting with a pair of scissors. Several people linger online to continue chatting.