Council Minutes – Oct. 7, 2019

Council Minutes – Oct. 7, 2019

Lady Kassandra lets the gavel fall.  Welcome to October — Yay!  

Officers of the Barony:

  • Baroness Raziya bint Rusa thanks everyone for Falling Leaves, getting off site on time, and having a good time.
  • Seneschal of the Canton of the Towers:  Master Ivan, in absentia, says that project day will be October 27; Aaradyn will teach how to sign one’s name in a period hand.
  • Chatelaine:  Lady Aaradyn Ghyoot says we are all Chatalaines!  You don’t have to do it all, but don’t be a [expletive deleted].
  • Chancellor Minor:  Lady Fiore di Bardi, in absentia, reports that children’s activities at Falling Leaves were a success.
  • Chronicler:  Baron Kendrick del Grenewode is absent, but Kassandra thanks him for putting together the legal issue.
  • Clerk of the Stable:  Baroness Eadgyth aet Staeningum wishes to publicize it more widely that she needs relief.
  • Dancemistress: Lady Aelia Fortunata, in absentia, says dance practice is back!  Thursdays at 7:30 in Brighton.
  • Chancellor of the Exchequer:  Orlando dei Medici says, we have money! we spend money!  If you need to be reimbursed for something, see Orlando.
  • Lord Zohane is now Marshal of Fence; he says fencing continues on Thursdays.
  • Marshal of Thrown Weapons:  Lord Symon of Barnesdale says throwing still happens so long as the weather holds out.  Come throw things!
  • Minister of Arts and Sciences: Lady Caitrona says people are doing arts, people are doing sciences.  She mentions St. Eligius and Kingdom A&S; begin working on your projects now.
  • Secretary: Ysabel shakes her head and keeps on typing.
  • Steward: Zohane needs to get the tablecloths back from Orlando.
  • Webminister:  Lord Symon says post updates, he can help!

Principals of the Baronial Orders:

  • Moon:  Mistress Margreta says the Moons will meet after Council next month.

Representatives of the Guilds and Activities:

  • Calligraphers: Lady Aaradyn Ghyoot says there is no news, except that there actually is: Towers Project Day, 10/27.  Learn an English or Italian hand!  Reference books for other hands will be available.
  • Cooks:  Lord Zohane says the Cooks are meeting Sunday 10/13.  The theme is gourds and squash.
  • Jongleurs (Waytes):  Lady Ysabel da Costa says now is a good time to jump in and join us!
  • Needleworkers:  next meeting will be 10/24 at 6:30 at Lady Fiore’s house.
  • Storytellers will meet 10/29 to tell spooky stories and eat brownies.
  • Middle Eastern Dance: Lady Serene wants to bring in someone to regional practice at the War Memorial to teach line dance for a $200 fee, do we agree to pay it?  Yes, approved by a show of hands.


  • Eleanor would like us to get a permanent copy of the Harrassment and Bullying sign.  It might cost about $40.  Can we also get tabards or walkie-talkies for the autocrat(s), so they can be reached when needed?  Patience speaks in favor of the tabard rather than the walkie-talkie.  Eadgyth suggests a baldric instead of a tabard; others agree.  Kassandra suggests that we acquire at least two of this item.  What colors should it be?  Stripes, electric blue, yellow instead of blue, are all discussed.  Eowyn recalls that the Barony has outfits from a live chess game; other people say no thanks to dressing autocrats as chess pieces.  Dierdre says she will just make something and we can all deal with it, OK?  Astrid says she works at a print shop and volunteers to talk to Eleanor; a baldric fashion show is proposed.  Orlando, always frugal, approves the expense for baldrics, provided it is not large.
  • Falling Leaves wrap-up: Baron Thomas says we did good (financially), but final figures are not yet ready.  Orlando wonders if we are contributing 20% of the profit from this event to the kingdom, since it was a Royal Progress?  Eadgyth says the contribution is discretionary for this calendar year.
  • Carolingia 50-year rumors:  Symon says, Hi! and everyone replies, Hi!  Our Golden Jubilee is coming up: our first event was Valentine’s Day 1971.  Our Golden Gryphon Jubilee will be Spring of 2021.  Collect your Baronial historic items; we will celebrate our members new and old, and some founders will participate.  The weekend of May 8, 2021 is targeted.  Planning about a 300 person event, perhaps a weekend camping event.  Core staff are in place, looking for volunteers — many hands make light work.  Cedar Hill Girl Scout Camp in Waltham is the first choice of site; it’s 75 acres, with cabins and room for tents.  It’s even MBTA accessible.  
  • Baroness Raziya:  the Tyngsboro site (Innovation Academy) didn’t work out, so we are back to the drawing board for event sites for spring.  She is checking out three churches, including the Framingham practice site.  
  • Patience: Otter’s Welcome may use the Veasey Memorial Park site, or maybe an apple orchard.  Looking at May 16.  
  • Orlando says, sites with kitchens are the best!  But he has been contemplating no-kitchen dayboards, so that’s a possibility too.


  • Kassandra says the by-laws vote will take place at next month’s Council.  Autocrat salon will be held at her house next weekend.  If you need a ride she will swoop you up, let her know.
  • “Who is your God now?”  Mistress Margreta is now Central Region Seneschal.  
  • Focusing back — Kassandra pulls the discussion back together.  Aaradyn says she has been Chatalaine for 6 years now.  Her deputies since March are Baroness Isabelle and Lady Patience (applause).  She now announces that she will step down in January 2020; Baroness Isabelle puts her metaphorical hat in the ring to be Aaradyn’s successor.  
  • Eowyn recites a list of many awards that were awarded at Falling Leaves.  Ysabel says she can’t type that fast, and requests that such lists be sent to the Secretary’s email address to have them included in the Minutes.
  • Orlando is collecting signatures for a mundane ballot initiative for ranked choice voting in MA.  Ranked choice voting has been used in the Barony for some time.
  • Kassandra mentions gender-neutral changing space for events?  Tent space is a limiting factor.  A few ideas are discussed, but nothing is resolved at this time.

Thank you!