Buon Giorno, Carolingia:
The winds turn towards winter and the plague times continue to linger. Still, we have reasons to make merry, gather light, and perhaps honor the traditions (and Gods) of olde.
Our fighters have been dedicated and fierce. Driving to any practice, many for hours on a weeknight, in pursuit of more skill, strength, and stamina. They have walked upon the lists of combat as contenders for the Crown of the East and in fierce melee at 100 Minutes War. They are inspiring.
Our fencers are no less stedfast. Traveling to neighboring groups, mentoring, teaching, meeting in multiple pickup practices, authorizing in the new area of Spear, taking part in experiments, and being kind to the newbie Baronessa as she tries not to embarrass herself with a sword. Carolingian fencers looked amazing in their own melee at 100 Minutes War.

Our archers continue to do their deadly work from afar. While we wish they would have focused more of their incredible aim on combatants from other Baronies in their efforts at 100MW, we understand that they did their duty. The archers heed not the climate and will continue to practice outdoors through the cold months.
Our throwers are among the most supportive and heart-centered members of our barony. They encourage and teach anyone in earshot, even as they innocently attend a vigil. While throwing has closed for the season, their combination of fierceness and fun will continue to warm us until practices begin anew.
The heralds of Carolingia let fly their voices both experienced and new, in service of the Kingdom. Others have continued to provide service in the offices of this Barony and this Kingdom with generosity and grace.
Our artisans continue to create beauty in material goods, words, music, and story among many others. Many of these creators have yet to feel any relief from the pandemic but continue to explore, to research, to cook, and create.
I speak of these gentles as if they are separate but many of you practice more than one discipline. There are many paths to one Carolingia.
It had been wonderful to meet more Carolingians as we’ve traveled in and out of Barony. We have seen you strive, be recognized, build new relationships, finish quests, don belts, and pledge your best. We have seen your work: the regalia, the scrolls, your words, and craft. We see your hands in the behind the scenes acts that make our game work. Even though we were unable to attend 100 Minutes War, we know of your deeds there because your word fame followed you home. This fills us with pride and joy.
We have also been joined by wonderful, new people. You are so very welcome. We are delighted to meet you and include you in our beautiful, nerdy, fierce, and messy fun. Please introduce yourselves and please, help us make connections for you as you discover your Barony and the SCA at large.
We miss so many of you and hold fast to those times to come when all of us will feel safe to be together. This plague is indifferent to our wants or needs but it will pass eventually, mayhap quicker for our diligence.
We are planning for this future and want your ideas. Ideas for informal outings and/or small events as we chart a path back. A continuation of virtual offerings for those who cannot yet join us in-person. And proposals for events you would like to see in your Carolingia. We are delighted to events being proposed and beginning to be set on the calendar. We see light at the end of this uncertainty and we are here for it.
May light precede you in these dark months,
Al Suo Servizio Sempre,