Great Council Minutes Mar AS LVII (2023) 7:30 PM

Great Council Minutes Mar AS LVII (2023) 7:30 PM

Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman:


Seneschal Lady Aaradyn Gyoot

Updates from Kingdom Seneschal regarding Demos

  • Effective immediately all non SCA participants who engage in any activities at a Demo must sign a waiver, no matter what the activity. There is not a special waiver for this, we’ll be using our standard waivers for adults and minors.
    • Frithuric: Can we get a clarification of what is meant by “participating in an activity”?
    • Justin: As written, this rules out the standard walk in-walk out demo, and makes them unmanageable.
    • Stephanie: As an applicant for chancellor minor, this definitely needs to be clarified. Getting waivers from adults difficult enough, children are even more difficult.
    • Katla: This isn’t a concern at events, but at demos that are open to the public, since events are already covered by a waiver.
    • Justin: This is a concern specifically for demos in public that do not have a controlled audience.
    • Eadgyth: I am sure further information will be coming for the chancellor minor.
    • Eadgyth: Valerian has confirmed that this is coming from Society.
    • Are there any other questions at this point? If there is an open issue, check in with Aaradyn or Thorvald as appropriate.
  • We have secured the Waltham Public Library for our April Council Meeting on Monday, April 3rd, which will be the first Hybrid meeting of 2023. I will be bringing two air purifiers for the room, and I am working with members of Carolingia to make sure this is a successful meeting.
    • Frithuric: The intent of this is to allow people to socialize during and after.
    • Sugawara: The calendar currently says council starts at 6:30, it needs to be corrected to 7:30.
    • Irini: The space will be available as early as 7 for early arrivals.
    • Justin: This is an experiment, please keep that in mind. We will see how things work moving forward.
  • Reminder on Council Format moving forward – there will not be an open call for reports anymore. If you have business at Council, I need to know by the posted deadline or it won’t be included. The deadline is the last Wednesday before Council. The Agenda will be posted the Friday before Council on all official channels and the website.
  • Policy Amendments
    • If anyone has amendments to the Policies of Carolingia, please submit those to the Seneschal via email no later than March 24th.
    • If there are no submissions for amendments, there will be no amendments review for calendar year 2023.
      • The plan is to discuss ammendment at the April meeting, and vote at the may meeting.

Seneschal of the Canton of the Towers: Lord Thorvald Olafsson Kveld-Hrútssonar

No Report

Secretary Lord Donato Favro

No Report

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kara Irini bin Todori

No Report

Chancellor Minor Vacant
No Report

Chatelaine Master Justin de Coeur

No Report

Golden Gryphon Pursuivant Richard Heyworth:

No Report

Gold Key Lady Ysabel da Costa

Gundorm is looking to be replaced as chronicler, and Lady Ysabel has volunteered to step in that role, and is looking for someone to replace her as Gold Key. Ideally someone who has both storage space and transportation.
Eadgyth: Would you consider an approach where you store it, while someone else is responsible for it?

Ysabel: We can have a discussion about that, it would not be the simplest approach.

Knight Marshal Valerian of Somerset

No Report

Minister of Arts & Sciences Meisterin Cathain Ritter

No Report

Web Minister Magister Symon of Barnesdale

The website is still up and running, confirmed after recent maintenance. If officers would like assistance posting new content, I am available. I would remind their excellencies that it has been a while since their letters have been updated. Google drive is also available, and…

Chronicler Master Gunðormr Dengir:

Lady Ysabel da Costa: I have not yet stepped into the role. No Report.

Dance Lady Aelia Fortunata

Dance practice is starting up this month. Dance Practice starts March 16, 7:30-9:30PM at 640 Washington St, Brighton. We’ll be dancing in the Allston-Brighton Community Room. Plenty of parking. Transit accessible. Close to the pike. You don’t need to know how to dance. If you can walk in a straight line and count to 4, you can learn to dance. I would love to see more people.

Eadgyth: It’s in oak square, there is food and such available.

Pandulf: How many weeks will it run.

Fortunata: All of April, all of May, through mid-late June. Every Thursday. Come when you can, it is not cumulative.

Historian Mistress Eowyn Eilownwy of Alewife Brook

No Report

Liber Editor Lord Orlando dei Medici

No Report

Marshal Fence Lord Zohane Faber

No Report

Marshal Archery Master Peter the Red
No Report

Marshal Thrown Weapons Lady Dierdre Greenwode

No Report

Minister of the Lists Lord Trentus Nubianus

No Report

Steward Lord Zohane Faber

Zohane is looking for a replacement, ideally this summer. This is the individual is responsible for storing Carolingia’s materials.

Clerk of the Stable Etain ingen Ut Neill

No Report

Social Media Officer Lady Caterina Genevra Beltrami

No Report

Principals of Baronial Orders

Order of the Daystar Lord Guinemar d’Anglade

Please recommend people you think should be part of our order, you don’t need to be a member to do so. (Service)

Order of the Moon Lady Eleanor Catling:

Please recommend people you think should be part of our order, you don’t need to be a member to do so. (A&S)

Next semi-annual meeting within the next month, date TBD. Please e-mail Lady Eleanor if you are a member of the order and did not receive November’s meeting notice. Eleanor will be reaching end of term next fall, please let her know if you are interested in taking up the role. There is a project/competition coming up for 50 year.

Order of Perseus Lord Pandaulf:

Please recommend people you think should be part of our order, you don’t need to be a member to do so. (Martial)

Order of the Comet Vacant

Please recommend people you think should be part of our order, you don’t need to be a member to do so. (Children)


Needle Workers: Etain is looking for her replacement, or at least a deputy. Please contact Etain.

Low Company Master Justin du Coeur


Calligraphers Lady Aaradyn Ghyoot:

Waytes Lady Ysabel da Costa


50 Year: Lady Katla of Viborg: There are now 4 event stewards for EK 50 year, Lady Patience has had to withdraw due to an attack of life. Trentus Nubianus, Martial, Cassandra Hafla,and Kara Irini, gate and merchants. Katla, A&S. The Royals will be present. There will be a Pass de arms for heavy and for rapier. Trentus: Show off your best medieval combat. Challenges may be issued by combatants, any forms, any rules. Ducal will not happen at that date, so we may see more southern participants. Trentus is handling all costs, as this is something he has wanted to do for some time.

There will be a hafla Saturday night, it will start around dark (after the likely royal court) and go until 10-10:30 at night. There will be a middle eastern track during the day that will likely include dance moves.

There will be food on Saturday, both lunch and dinner, handled by Zohane and Deirdre, included in the gate fee. Menu forthcoming.

Deirdre: We will be basing the menu on surveys of the food that people most associate with the SCA. It may not be the most historically accurate, but it will be

Fortunata: There will be a two part A&S event. Individuals are welcome to bring their work to display. Additionally, the order of the Moon is sponsoring a Moon’s prize tourney. The moons may issue a challenge to the populace, and the populace may respond. The Moon will provide feedback and and will provide a awards for each challenge.

European Dance will be (likely) occuring Saturday afternoon.

Katla: More information will be forthcoming. All of these are in their infancy.

Irini: is working on securing a hotel block and a shuttle, and various other ammenities as needed.

Eadgyth: Is there going to be a Carolingian history exhibit?
Eowyn: has been in touch, and we are planning to display some sort of historical display. As the historical documentation is in the process of being digitized, we will need to access that. If you have anything that you think should be included, please let me know.

Pandaulf: A memorial garden would be nice.

Katla: We can find a place for what was displayed at EK 50.


We went through the budget to date. Total cost is estimated to be (some are formal quotes, some are not) $10,000 as a hard ceiling. For that pricing, a charge of $30 for member adults, including two meals. We would require 362 adults to break even. A royal progress can expect to bring in ~450 individuals including children. Children (under 18) will be free, including meals. Total for non-members would be $35.

Valerian: Do we need the shuttle, especially since people won’t be drinking on site.

Katla: The primary advantage is parking. Since the site has limited parking, allowing people to park at the hotel is a major plus.

Eadgyth: Has the budget gone to the finance committee?

Katla: Not yet.

Irini: 3 members of the financial committee are involved in the event, so a lot has already been seen.

The intent is for this to be a celebration. Not to lose money, but not for it to be a major money maker.

The Royals will be comped.

The second day will be “donation suggested”, and more of a regional practice.

General announcements:

Sugawara: I am the baronial large4sse coordinator. Pennsic and 50 year are both coming up, and their excellencies will need things to give out. There will be a virtual meeting on March 21. There will be a hybrid meeting in April, with the inperson side at my house in Belmont.

Storytellers: We’ve been in hiatus for some time due to zoom fatigue. We hope that this summer will include some outdoor events. Storytellers is open to performers of all kinds, musicians, others. Audience members are appreciated.

Callivers: March 23rd at the local fencing practice, there will be melee practice in preparation for the upcoming wars.

Aryana: Archery continues Sundays, if you would like to practice at other times, contact Peter. Thrown weapons will resume in the not to distant future, a meeting this week.

Justin: Newcomers night 4th Monday every month. This month, the 27th at 7:30.

Low Company: Justin for Symon: Meeting this Friday. Check the website and facebook group. Meetings will be every other month going forward.

Thorvald: Canton A&S is a little quiet right now. Fighting will begin in the beginning of April. Archery is ongoing. The Canton is going to try to hold an event sometime this summer or fall. Depending on where and when we can get space. This will include a company of Bowman shoot, and hopefully host the Baronial thrown weapons championship at the same time.

Arylanna: Carolingias incipient foresters had their first meeting yesterday. About 12 people attended. The next meeting will be Sunday April 2nd in Pepperell. May will be at their excellencies in Wayland.