Great Council Minutes September AS LVIII (2023) 7:30 PM

Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman: Frithuric: We survived the weekend. It rained a lot, despite harsh conditions, the event went very well.Middle of September we’re going to do the same style of heavy championship. Fiore: Congratulations to our new order members. Thanks to our event staff …

Great Council Minutes Apr AS LVII (2023) 7:30 PM

Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman: Hello. We had a fabulous time at cornonation. Welcome to our newest Pelican Valerian, and newest Baron Trentus Nubianus. New small events will start popping up. Some announcements today. Otherwise, go out there and do the things. Officers: Seneschal Lady Aaradyn …

Great Council Minutes Mar AS LVII (2023) 7:30 PM

Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman: Officers: Seneschal Lady Aaradyn Gyoot Updates from Kingdom Seneschal regarding Demos Seneschal of the Canton of the Towers: Lord Thorvald Olafsson Kveld-Hrútssonar No Report Secretary Lord Donato Favro No Report Chancellor of the Exchequer Kara Irini bin Todori No Report Chancellor …

Great Council Minutes FebruaryAS LVII (2023) 7:30 PM

Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman: There’s a lot of stuff going on right now. If you feel a need to pass some complaints up the chain, please complain to us.Congrats to Aradyn and all those who received awards at Birka. Officers: Seneschal Lady Aaradyn GyootCongratulations to Her excellency, …

Great Council Minutes Dec AS LVII (2022) 7:30 PM

Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman: November felt like a quiet month. Although Crown was near here. Their excellencies have unfortunately been busy with the mundane world, so less SCA stuff has been happening. Her excellency will be elevated at Birka. Officers: Seneschal Lady Aaradyn Gyoot Welcome to December. …

Great Council Minutes Nov AS LVII (2022) 7:30 PM

Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman: His excellency is representing the baronetcy. The heavy list championship was held at fighter practice during October. Fighters and list runners and so forth were present. Wilhelm Hamelroarke, a farrier, is the new Champion. Thank you to Valerian for his service at …