Great Council Minutes Apr AS LVIII (2024) 7:30 PM

Great Council Minutes Apr AS LVIII (2024) 7:30 PM

Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman:

Thank you to those who have offered support during our move. We are happy on getting to coronation next week. The move will be complete shortly, and we will both be back to normal.


Seneschal Lady Aaradyn Gyoot

Welcome to April. Sorry for the confusion on google meets.
Their excellencies are seeking a second term as Baron and Baroness, we will vote on that at May great council using the same format as used for amendments.
Ballots for amendments will be accepted until 8 pm.
Curia will occur at coronation. I will not be there due to a pre-scheduled vacation. I will send an e-mail to their Majesties (to be) with your thoughts, so please provide them.

Seneschal of the Canton of the Towers: Sir Eirikr Lambson

No Report

Secretary Lord Donato Favro

No Report

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kara Irini bin Todori

As promised last month, I am presenting the approved budget for 2024. Fighter practice costs $2750 but is usually offset by donations. Storage will be $1440.80 for the year. Discretionary spending of $50 per guild or officer. Typically less than 10 are used, so $500. We expect less than $2000 total outlay for the year, and any event profits will offset this.

Eadgyth: How do donation only events affect this?
Events are handled in a separate budget. This was added specifically to handle Baronial level spending, since events are reported independently.

Gudrun: Did we confirm that we want to prepay for the year and save a month?

Aaradyn: Lets vote on it.

Council approves.

Gudrun will take care of that this week, and the Barony will reimburse.

Chancellor Minor Cristoff Gockerhan von Loch and Stephanie Leatherfoot L’Huissier
No Report

Chatelaine Master Justin de Coeur

No Report

Golden Gryphon Pursuivant Lord Richard Heyworth:

No Report

Gold Key Lord Orlando dei Medici

No Report

Knight Marshal Master Valerian of Somerset

No Report

Minister of Arts & Sciences Meisterin Cathain Ritter

No Report

Web Minister Lady Elspeth of Ruthven

My hope for the summer is to work on the Baronial website to make it more outward/newcomer facing. If anyone has photos, they would be welcome. If there are any guild heads, I would appreciate meeting you over the summer (after May 3) to go over your sections of the website.

Chronicler Lady Ysabel da Costa

No Report

Dance Lady Aelia Fortunata

No Report

Historian Mistress Eowyn Eilownwy of Alewife Brook

No Report

Liber Editor Lord Orlando dei Medici

No Report

Rapier Marshal Lord Zohane Faber

No Report

Marshal Archery Master Peter the Red
No Report
Marshal Thrown Weapons Lady Dierdre Greenwode

No Report

Minister of the Lists Lord Trentus Nubianus

No Report

Steward Lady Gudrun Thorvaldsdottir
No Report

Clerk of the Stable Etain ingen Ut Neill

No Report

Social Media Officer Baron Ludovic of Carolingia

I am still looking for a replacement. If you are interested, please step forward.

Principals of Baronial Orders 

Order of the Daystar Lady Ysabel da Costa

The Order of the Daystar is the Baronial Service Award.

If you know someone you would like to nominate for the Daystar please let Their Excellencies or me know! The current list of Daystars is on the Baronial website.

Order of the Moon Lady Eleanor Catling:

The Order of the Moon is the Baronial Arts and Science Award.

If you know someone you would like to nominate for the Moon please let Their Excellencies or me know! The current list of Moons is on the Baronial website.

I will remain the Principal for another cycle. Inductions will be happening at upcoming Carolingian events. The next meeting will be in October. If you have not been getting email, please reach out to me.

Order of Perseus Master Symon Barnsdale:

The Order of the Perseus is the Baronial Martial Award.

If you know someone you would like to nominate for the Perseus please let Their Excellencies or me know! The current list of Perseids is on the Baronial website.

Order of the Comet Cristoff Gockerhan von Loch and Stephanie Leatherfoot L’Huissier

The Order of the Comet is the Baronial Award for youth in any of the above categories.

If you know someone you would like to nominate for the Comet please let Their Excellencies or me know!


Low Company Master Justin du Coeur

Storytellers Sire Michael of York

Waytes Lady Ysabel da Costa

Needleworkers Lord Donato Favro

Foresters April 14th, Ella and Dave. 12:30. Garb hike+usual activities+leather work. There will be leather and tools, contact Ella.

Pandaulf: I will be announcing a thrown weapons range maintenance as soon as the Framingham range recovers from the rain.

Justin: Ysane received a writ for Pelican, at investiture and armored champions. Gunthorm is buying cheese and fortunata is making marshmallows.

Arlyana: Zohane was given a rabbit in the moon, and Cassandra was given a burdened tyger and Silver Crescent.

Fortunata silver wheel. Anezka got a Sovereigns esteem.


Otter’s Welcome: Astrid We have been postering the area, game store, grocery stores, anywhere with Traffic. I will post the link to the PDF, please feel free to post wherever you are allowed. We are making contact with key staff, more details later.

There will be another site walkthrough in April. If you are a merchant and would like to sell at Otters, reach out to Solveig. There is no fee to Merchant.

Ambassadors for Newcomers, Children and Adults, are needed. Please reach out to Justin.

Everything is running smoothly.

Ysabel: I am only lightly on facebook, but I did see a call for instructors on facebook but not e-mail, did it go out?

Yes it did go out on both.

Arlyana: Will these events be accepting paypal?

Astrid: The fee that Paypal would take out of any donations, especially for dayboard, is excessive, so we have decided not to accept it.

Otters Welcome PDF
Volunteer Sign up sheet

Rapier Champs: Eon Broc: It’s up and ready to go. We just got our facebook page up. I still need to ask for volunteers, if you are interested in helping out, please contact me. All of my contacts are on the event announcements.

Astrid: Because the facebook event was created on the EK page, it can be viewed by individuals even if they don’t have facebook. (It’s up on the EK event page as well, of course).

Ysabel: I am only lightly on facebook, but I did see a call for instructors on facebook but not e-mail, did it go out?

Yes it did go out on both.

Arlyana: Will these events be accepting paypal?

Astrid: The fee that Paypal would take out of any donations, especially for dayboard, is excessive, so we have decided not to accept it.

General announcements:

Justin: Ysane received a writ for Pelican, at investiture and armored champions. Gunthorm is buying cheese and fortunata is making marshmallows.

Arlyana: Zohane was given a rabbit in the moon, and Cassandra was given a burdened tyger and Silver Crescent.

Fortunata silver wheel. Anezka got a Sovereigns esteem.


1: Approved (Unanimously)

2: Approved (Unanimously)

3: Approved (90%)

4: 1B: Approval of Great Council

5: Approved (95.2%)

6: Approved (66.7%)

7: Approved (95.2%)

8: Passed (66.7%)

Eadgyth: Since we are taking the history of Carolingia Orders, where are we going to put it.

Justin: Put it on the website and the eastkingdom wiki.

Frithuric: The order pages.

Eowyn: The history that’s in there is simply of the changes to the statutes. I don’t see a need to keep that more than any part of the charter. We don’t track other changes to the policies.

Aary Is that history kept for EK awards.

Eadgyth: The history is kept in kingdom law, although removal has been suggested. Overall changes are tracked by keeping the change log.

Justin: I think it’s worth keeping the changes somewhere, but the website is a place of record.

Pandaulf: Justin covered a lot of it. I do think the Historian should keep these records, but people will look elsewhere.

Votes: The records will be kept on the website and in the archives.

Ysabel: There has been talk recently of substituting the website for other record sources, by using the wayback machine. I don’t believe that is reliable method since it depends on an external service.

Aar: Which is why the vote passed for both the website and the chronicles, and in the digital archives once I finish digitizing things.

Aar: With regards to amendment 8, one of the comments that came up on the e-mail list, and there was not a lot of consensus about this.

Eeowyn: I wrote that to give the event steward suggestions, it’s not a hard requirement. I would propose a paper copy with the historian’s records, and some version of online.

Justin: Mostly we shouldn’t litigate this right now. I would strongly recommend appointing a subcommittee and letting them hash it out, since there will be complex issues of access and access control and such.

Valerian: This doesn’t have to be formal, as you can get it from the previous event steward.

Frithuric: They covered it.

Gavin: Are we going to require this starting at Otter’s Welcome, as the system isn’t ready?

Aary: I feel confident that we can up with something by Otter’s Welcome.

Eadgyth: Astrid can do a report, she knows what she’s doing.

Aary: The new policies will be up on the website, and sent out.