Baronial Meeting Minutes – October 3, 2016

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections.  1.  From Their Excellencies Colin: Falling Leaves was a wonderful event! We have 3 new champions for the Barony, and the foot race winner was Lady Matilda… Our new champions are Millicent Rowan for Rapier, Avaldr Valbarnarson for Heavy List, …

Baronial Meeting Minutes – September 12, 2016

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections. 1. Officer Announcements Chatelaine: Aaradyn Ghyoot At Falling Leaves in Exile and Otter’s Welcome, the Gold Key and Chatelaine will be hosting a Gold Key Yard Sale!  If you know of any newcomers interested in looking through for garb, please …

Baronial Meeting Minutes – July 11, 2016

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections. 1.  Officer Announcements Seneschal: Aurelia Rufinia A committee will be formed soon to create autocrating policies.  The committee will be chaired by Baroness Ailis inghean Muirgen, and will be worked on after Pennsic.  Please watch the list if you are …

Baronial Meeting Minutes – June 6, 2016

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections. 1.  Officer Announcements Golden Gryphon: Thory Vedardottir If anyone is interested in registering new heraldry or names, please contact Thory as soon as possible.  Around Pennsic, the registration time will get much longer, so plan ahead! Thrown Weapons: Asher de …

Baronial Meeting Minutes – May 2, 2016

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections. 1.  Officer Announcements Chatelaine: Aaradyn Ghyoot We had 3 Carolingian newcomers attend Coronation!  I sat with 2 of them, who noted they had a great deal of fun despite the courts.  Juliana, the deputy, also had some newcomers attend Coronation, …

Baronial Meeting Minutes – April 4, 2016

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections. It’s April, for real yo Baroness You made it, good for you We’ve been busy, there is a new puppy…yes there will be pictures We need volunteers, 2 specific opportunities and no experience needed. Head retainer Communication Czar If you’re …

Baronial Meeting Minutes – March 7, 2016

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections.  1.  Officer Announcements Seneschal: Aurelia Rufinia SCA corporate has announced a change to the non-member surcharge and how it should be listed in event announcements.  In the East Kingdom, an event fee will now be referred to in announcements as …

Baronial Meeting Minutes – February 1, 2016

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections. Officer Announcements Order of the Moon: Gundormr Dengin The meeting of the Order of the Moon will be following Council tonight. Webminister: Cristoff I am looking for a replacement for the Webminister position.  The job would largely be updating the …

Baronial Meeting Minutes – January 4, 2016

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections. Their Excellencies Baroness Nicolette: Since receiving approval for The Ride program, I have been to 2 Dance practices and the Fiber Crafts meeting in Peabody, and I have plans to attend the next Calligrapher’s guild meeting, Low Company gathering, Waytes …

Baronial Meeting Minutes – December 7, 2015

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections. 1. Officer Announcements Seneschal: Aurelia Rufinia Following Curia at Yule, the Kingdom of the East is getting Award of Arms level awards!  For full information, please see postings in the upcoming Pikestaff and in the East Kingdom Gazette. Also discussed …