Council Minutes

  • Great Council Minutes July 1 AS LIX (2024) 7:30 PM
    Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman: Officers: Seneschal Lady Aaradyn Gyoot A reminder that there is no council in August due to Pennsic. If you have business that needs to happen soon, it will have to happen at September council on the 9th due to labor day. Seneschal of the Canton of …
  • Great Council Minutes Jun AS LIV (2024) 7:30 PM
    Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman: Fiore: We just had a lovely Rapier Champs, we rolled with something new that we are planning to keep with going forward. The winner was Grigori, and Aneska was second. Grigori will be the Baron’s Champion, and Aneska will be the Baroness’s championship. We may spread …
  • Great Council Minutes May AS LIV (2024) 7:30 PM
    Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman: Frithuric: We’ve been a little disconnected as we were moving and dealing with some family stuff. Otters coming up in two weeks, Baronial champions two after that, and we’ll be around. Congrats to those who have gotten awards recently, and we’re looking forwards to Otters. Fiore: …
  • Great Council Minutes Apr AS LVIII (2024) 7:30 PM
    Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman: Thank you to those who have offered support during our move. We are happy on getting to coronation next week. The move will be complete shortly, and we will both be back to normal. Officers: Seneschal Lady Aaradyn Gyoot Welcome to April. Sorry for the confusion …
  • Great Council Minutes March AS LVIII (2024) 7:30 PM
    Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman: We’re moving back into the city. Which means it’s been a busy month, and we haven’t done quite as much as we’d like. We were briefly at kingdom A&S, congrats to those who were recognized. Maestra Isabella Oakes, Katla of Vyborg, and Allana of Skye Baronial …
  • Great Council Minutes Feb AS LVII (2023) 7:30 PM
    Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman: Her Excellency: We’ve had a lot of things happen in the Barony recently. At Winter Nights, we selected Mistress Anne as our new court performer, Welcome. Solveig and Sugawara also did beautiful performances, and I Sebastiani (The Greatest Commedia del’arte troupe in the entire world) created …
  • Great Council Minutes Jan AS LVII (2023) 7:30 PM
    Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman: Their excellencies will be moving back into Boston from Metro West, expect related shifts in attendancel.Performing arts championship details will be coming, as it will be happening at winter nights. If someone would like to autocrat Rapier champs, it would be appreciated, otherwise it will be …
  • Great Council Minutes Dec AS LVIII (2023) 7:30 PM
    Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman: It seemed like a short month since our last council meeting. But I am glad that we have events s cheduled and planning. Officers: Seneschal Lady Aaradyn Gyoot Jan council will be Mon Jan 8th to avoid New Years Day. Curia is virtual again this reign, …
  • Great Council Minutes November AS LVIII (2023) 7:30 PM
    Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman: Frithuric: Crown tournament was excellent last week. I think I saw almost everyone from the council meeting. When Valerian and I talked about running crown, it was described as a fairly straightforward event. But it doesn’t run itself, especially with all the extras such as A&S …
  • Great Council Minutes Oct AS LVIII (2023) 7:30 PM
    Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman: Their excellencies are currently in Italy, and not in attendance tonight. Officers: Seneschal Lady Aaradyn Gyoot (Sugawara no Naeme Acting): Eric Lampson has taken on the role of the Seneschal of the Canton of the Towers. Seneschal of the Canton of the Towers: Eric Lampson No …
  • Great Council Minutes September AS LVIII (2023) 7:30 PM
    Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman: Frithuric: We survived the weekend. It rained a lot, despite harsh conditions, the event went very well.Middle of September we’re going to do the same style of heavy championship. Fiore: Congratulations to our new order members. Thanks to our event staff for pulling of a major …
  • Great Council Minutes Jul AS LVIII (2023) 7:30 PM
    Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman: Fiore: Not much going on. We’re heading into camping season, GNE is this weekend. If you’re on the fence about going, talk to Katla about camping with the barony and getting on the meal plan. Let their excellencies know what you’ve going on. If you’ll be …