Order of Perseus

Image of the Order of Perseus Badge

The Order of Perseus is given in recognition of achievements in the martial arts which further the progress of those arts in the Barony of Carolingia in the Eastern Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. It is given to honor not prowess alone, but achievement combined with teaching or other dissemination of those arts such that the overall level of the safe and courteous practice of those arts within the Barony has been raised. All inhabitants of the Knowne World are eligible for this order, provided only that their services have been of especial benefit to the Barony of Carolingia.  More information about the Order can be found in Carolingia’s By-Laws. The Principal of the Order (the person who coordinates the Order) can be reached at perseus@carolingia.eastkingdom.org

Members of the Order of Perseus

Date of InductionEvent of InductionName of Inductee
2/16/1991Danulf Donaldson
2/16/1991Peter the Red
2/16/1991Sebastian Nightwind
5/11/1991Bjorn Karlsson
5/11/1991Donal Artur of the Silver Band
7/6/1991Morgan Argente Elandris
10/12/1991Alys Mackyntioch (was Ailis Catriona mac an Toisich)
10/12/1991Emeric Wendel the Diversified
10/12/1991Kobayashi Yutaka
10/12/1991Michael of York
10/12/1991Rolf Gunnarsson
10/12/1991Seosamh MacDonald an Cruca O'Maille
3/14/1992Patri du Chat Gris
6/17/1995Tourney du SolFergus MacRae
6/17/1995Tourney du SolMorgaine ferch Cadwr
6/17/1995Tourney du SolThorgeirr Bollasson
10/11/1995Avelina Perceval
9/21/1996Festival of StorytellingJehan du Lac
11/2/1996Legends of ChivalryEirikr Lambson
11/2/1996Legends of ChivalryLi Kung Lo
11/2/1996Legends of ChivalryYgraine of Kellswood
1/25/1997East Kingdom UniversityRose Otter
4/19/1997Shakespeare's BirthdayVissevald Selkirksson
5/4/1997MaydayBrokk Jarlsson
9/13/1997Legends of ChivalryWolf of Ulster
9/12/1998Legends of ChivalryFrydherik Eisenkopf
9/12/1998Gilchryst MacLochlainn
9/12/1998Legends of ChivalryJulian le Scot
5/1/1999MaydayChristabel Heslington
5/1/1999MaydayMartin Quicksilver
6/27/1999Baronial Archery ChampionshipCaitlin Angharad FitzHenry
6/27/1999Baronial Archery ChampionshipIheronimus Bruckner (was Ohashi Katsutoshi)
6/27/1999Baronial Archery ChampionshipYelizaveta Medvedeva
7/14/2001Baronial Archery ChampionshipAhtor Lys MacDavit
7/14/2001Baronial Archery ChampionshipPandaulf
7/17/2001Baronial Archery ChampionshipXandra Rozina Xiberras Galea
9/22/2001Falling LeavesAengus O Neill
3/3/2002Carolingian ChallengeConnor MacGilvarry
4/28/2002MaydayAnghaus MacClarion de Bruce
4/28/2002MaydayValerian of Somerset
6/8/2002Baronial InvestitureNataliia Anastasiia Evgenova Sviatoslavina vnuchka
9/21/2002Ankara Lig Niki
9/21/2002Federach of Carolingia
1/11/2003Rosa di Oro
3/3/2003Lilias de Cheryngton
10/9/2004Trentus Nubianus
5/1/2005Colin MacEoinn of Lochleven
5/1/2005Pelgrin DeMann
10/15/2005Jacobus Jager Drake
4/30/2006Quinn Tessence (now Quentin Brilliant)
7/9/2006Ya'akov ben ha Rav Eleazar
7/15/2006Edward Grey of Lochleven
10/14/2006Alaric von Drakenklaue
10/14/2006Donovan Shinnock
1/13/2007Ansem of Carolingia
1/13/2007Christian von Jaueregk
5/4/2008Thorvald Halvorssen (called Thorson)
4/30/2011Carolingia 40th Anniversary CelebrationHrut Skumsonner (called Pondskum)
7/9/2011Colin Ursell
7/9/2011Karl Meerstapa
2/18/2012Carnival in VeniceTaliesin Teagwas
5/12/2012Baronial Investiture and War PracticeAiden McShane
5/12/2012Baronial Investiture and War PracticeEleanora Stewart (called Nora)
9/15/2012East Kingdom Thrown Weapons UniversityCristoff Gockerhan von Loch
9/15/2012East Kingdom Thrown Weapons UniversityEdith of Steyning
6/15/2013Arngeirr Refskegg (formerly Kazimierz)
8/31/2013The Sack of CarolingiaAlec Craig
8/31/2013The Sack of CarolingiaArlyana van Wyck
8/31/2013The Sack of CarolingiaBregowine of Galloping Hill
8/31/2013The Sack of CarolingiaRemy Delemontagne de Gascogne
11/2/2013East Kingdom Fall CrownBrighid MacCumhal
11/2/2013East Kingdom Fall CrownThomas of Effingham
5/3/2014Carolingian Family DayKetilfastr Thorkilson
9/13/2014Baronial ChampionsAllerick van den Broecke
9/13/2014Baronial ChampionsMagdalena von Kirschberg
9/13/2014Baronial ChampionsSorcha Dhocair
9/13/2014Baronial ChampionsThomas Monroe of Longhill
4/4/2015Baronial InvestitureLupold Hass von Zurich
8/29/2015Baronial Archery and Thrown Weapons ChampionshipAsher de Lincolia
8/29/2015Baronial Archery and Thrown Weapons ChampionshipChristopher Michaelson
8/29/2015Baronial Archery and Thrown Weapons ChampionshipDeirdre Grenewode
8/29/2015Baronial Archery and Thrown Weapons ChampionshipEric Michaelson
8/29/2015Baronial Archery and Thrown Weapons ChampionshipSymon of Barnesdale
8/27/2016Baronial Archery and Thrown Weapons ChampionshipSojourner of Quintavia
9/17/2016Falling LeavesScrooby of Carolingia
10/15/2016Otter's WelcomeCatháin Reiter
03/25/2017Laurel's Prize TourneyAvaldr Valbjarnarson
09/16/2017Falling LeavesFlorian of the Glen
9/15/2018Falling Leaves and Baronial InvestitureEon of Carolingia
9/15/2018Falling Leaves and Baronial InvestitureRuttiger Lutz
9/15/2018Falling Leaves and Baronial InvestitureMillicent Rowan
9/15/2018Falling Leaves and Baronial InvestitureAlbert of Sanford
12/8/2018K&Q Fencing ChampionsAnastasia da Monte
5/11/2019Otter's WelcomeAlanna of Skye
5/11/2019Otter's WelcomeIsabelle de Montreuil sur Mer
5/11/2019Otter's WelcomeSvavfnir Thorvaldson
5/11/2019Otter's WelcomeLudovic of Carolingia
8/8/19PennsicKaterina Falconer de Lanark
8/8/19PennsicHrafn Bonesetter
8/8/19PennsicEva Woderose
9/14/2019Falling LeavesKatherine Stanhope
9/14/2019Falling LeavesEleanor Fitzpatrick
9/12/2020Falling LeavesZohane Faber
5/21/2022Otter's WelcomeAnéžka Liška z Kolína
5/25/2022Framingham Fencer and Fighter PracticeStephen Reynard LeStrange
7/10/2022Baronial Fencing ChampionshipBella di Sicilia
9/10/2022Falling LeavesElian of the Fellswood
10/15/2022Baronial Heavy Champion TournamentThorvald Olafsson Kveld-Hrútssonar
5/20/2023Otter's WelcomeZhigmun' Czypsser
5/20/2023Otter's WelcomeAlbrecht Ostergaard
9/9/2023Carolingia 50 Year CelebrationDuncan Kerr
9/9/2023Carolingia 50 Year CelebrationRoskva Mac Cianain, called Widowmaker
6/1/2024Carolingia Rapier ChampionshipsMatthew of Carolingia
6/1/2024Carolingia Rapier ChampionshipsIago Gallego Hidalgo y Galgo