Baronial Meeting Minutes – September 11, 2017

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections. Happy almost fall! And happy-ish Allston Christmas! Pennsic was fun for everyone! Here are your September Council Minutes from your substitute secretary, Agnes. If you see any errors, please notify me immediately so I can send out corrections: Officer Announcements …

Baronial Meeting Minutes – July 10, 2017

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections. 1.  Officer Announcements Chatelaine: Aaradyn Ghyoot The Newcomer’s Night has been doing well.  We also have 2 new people here tonight, just moved to Carolingia from Atlantia! Liber: Aildreda de Tamwurthe I am looking for a different modality to keep …

Baronial Meeting Minutes – June 5, 2017

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections. 1.  Officer Announcements Seneschal: Aurelia Rufinia We are looking for a new space for monthly council meetings without stairs.  Please contact me with any ideas. Chatelaine: Aaradyn Ghyoot No new people were at the Company of Bowmen shoot.  However, we …

Baronial Meeting Minutes – April 3, 2017

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections. Spring is here! (shhh, don’t tell it) Bylaw Amendments time is here Submission window is open now Discuss on June 5 Final drafts due June 10 Vote on July 10 5 Great Carolingian events n the last month.  Go Team! Officers Chatelaine – New …

Baronial Meeting Minutes – February 6, 2017

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections. Welcome to February. Colin Nic sends her regrets, is recovering from the Birka plague Thank you Eowyn for your years of running the Quire Officers Carolingian Historian – Newly Eowyn, Master Luke will be stepping down and transferring the archives …

Baronial Meeting Minutes – January 9, 2017

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections.  1.  Officer Announcements Exchequer: Hugh Taurner As of tonight, there is a new Exchequer!  Orlando di Medici is now the new Exchequer for the Barony, and as of tonight there is approximately $15,000 in the Baronial account.  Orlando will need …

Baronial Meeting Minutes – December 5, 2016

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections.  1.  Officer Announcements Chatelaine: Aaradyn Ghyoot The Chatelaine report for the Barony was sent in to Kingdom on time.  We also had a newcomer from Otter’s Welcome come to dance practice! Thrown Weapons: Asher de Lincolia The Thrown Weapons Marshal …

Baronial Meeting Minutes – November 7, 2016

Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections. 1.  From Their Excellencies Nicolette: There will be meetings for the Orders of the Perseus, Daystar, and Moon following Council tonight. 2.  Officer Announcements Chatelaine: Aaradyn Ghyoot The Chatelaine report for the Barony was sent in to Kingdom on time.  …