Category: Minutes
July 2018 Baronial Meeting Minutes
July 2018 Notes The Seneschal begins Council by handing out the ballots for the bylaw change, and the vote is taken. (It should be noted that the Seneschal has forgotten her gavel–it is up to the populace to determine whether this meeting of Council is still valid.) Everyone had an …
Baronial Meeting Minutes – June 4, 2018
Carolingian Great Council – June 4, 2018 Hi June? Exellencies Congratulations to our heirs, Thomas and Raziya. Vivant! Court will be held at EK50 and at Pennsic EK50 Court – Will NOT be right after EK court. Tentatively at 7:30pm in one of the AS tents on Friday night. Since …
Baronial Meeting Minutes – April 2, 2018
From Their Excellencies We are fantastically grateful Dreda and her staff for the great event, Carolingia Castellum Est. We particularly loved having kids in thick of things and the dayboard and dinner were phenomenal. Thank you to all who helped put it together! There will be a good Carolingian presence …
Baronial Meeting Minutes–March 5, 2018
Council’s location this month is the Watertown Free Library. Next month’s location is to be determined. The Seneschal bangs her gavel at 7:40 because your humble secretary was tardy. Lo but I am unworthy of everyone’s graciousness and patience! Baronial Election The polling is in the mail!!! Vivat!! Envelopes should …
Baronial Meeting Minutes — February 5, 2018
With gratitude to Baroness Alanna, we are at the Goldfish Swim School in Brookline. The gavel sounds very loud and authoritative in this space. And, apropos of nothing, we are joined by two adorable dogs! Baronial Elections The Seneschal made an error with the initial round of voting. Technically …
Baronial Meeting Minutes – January 8, 2018
The Seneschal likes the power of her gavel and duly uses it to call the meeting to order. It should be noted that Council location is currently in a state of flux. A request has been made of the main branch of the Cambridge Public Library. Other thoughts or ideas …
Baronial Meeting Minutes – December 4, 2017
Please contact the Secretary with any questions or corrections. From Their Excellencies At the Battle of the Five Armies, Ulric Baron Bridge announced that, in gratitude for Carolingia’s alliance with him there, he would pay all those of Carolingia who had assisted that effort, to be paid at Bridge Birthday with …
Baronial Meeting Minutes – November 6, 2017
Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections. From Their Excellencies Crown Tournament was a wonderful event, and several people in our Barony got awards! Thory Vedardottir was inducted into the Order of the Silver Wheel. Thory does a LOT behind the scenes here in Carolingia and at …
Baronial Meeting Minutes – October 2, 2017
Please contact the Secretary at with any questions or corrections. From Their Excellencies At the outset of our tenure, we agreed and stated publicly that we would only be taking a 3 year term. The time has come to call for Baronial candidates! The below schedule provides us time to …