Great Council Minutes September AS LVIII (2023) 7:30 PM

Coronets Nobildonna Fiore Leonetta Bardi and Lord Frithuric Ulman:

Frithuric: We survived the weekend. It rained a lot, despite harsh conditions, the event went very well.
Middle of September we’re going to do the same style of heavy championship.

Fiore: Congratulations to our new order members.

Thanks to our event staff for pulling of a major event under harsh conditions.


Seneschal Lady Aaradyn Gyoot

I don’t have a lot to say. October council will be run by Sugiwara, and be back on the first monday of the month.

Seneschal of the Canton of the Towers: Lord Thorvald Olafsson Kveld-Hrútssonar

No Report

Secretary Lord Donato Favro

No Report

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kara Irini bin Todori

We approved the financial policies in may, but then were told by EK that we needed to match their format. The updated version has been provided to the EK exchequer, and I recommend we post the revised version to the website.
The primary change was a revision of the order, so everything was cut and pasted, carefully. They did not have a place for the beneficium, or the subordination to the society and kingdom, so those were added to the end.
Any place where it stated “see society or kingdom policy” now references the specific location in those policies. And it now lists dedicated funds. Kara would like a vote authorizing posting of the current version.
Motion carries. Post will be up tomorrow.

Has anyone done the homework to determine how much a storage unit costs?
Who was the last steward when we had a storage unit?

?:It’s been more than a decade, so the price is not accurate.

?:Frithuric has had a unit more recently than that, and the price was $180 for 10×10 24 hour access drive up.

John: 24 hour access is important for events.

In the past it has been on a card and reimbursed, as thats how storage unit payment happens.

Gudrun will provide price on the last one, and the size at the time.

At the time, the historical archives were in the unit as well, which have been downsized and don’t need as much space.
Gudrun:8x10x6 $129/month 8 years ago.

Irini will research prices and locations.

If you have thoughts regarding locations, please email the exchequer.

The exchequer would like a stamp to sign for the barony. It is likely under the exchequers allotment. Is the council okay with this?
Council approves..

Gate would like to get some inexpensive walkie talkies.A donation is volunteered for at least two, gate and autocrat.

Gate also received a fresh box of pens donated by one of the vigils.

Chancellor Minor Baron Cristoff Gockerhan von Loch and Stephanie Leatherfoot L’Huissier
No Report

Chatelaine Master Justin de Coeur

No Report

Golden Gryphon Pursuivant Richard Heyworth:

No Report

Gold Key Lady Ysabel da Costa

No Report

Knight Marshal Valerian of Somerset

No Report

Minister of Arts & Sciences Meisterin Cathain Ritter

No Report

Web Minister Magister Symon of Barnesdale

No Report

Chronicler Master Gunðormr Dengir:

No Report

Dance Lady Aelia Fortunata

No Report

Historian Mistress Eowyn Eilownwy of Alewife Brook

No Report

Liber Editor Lord Orlando dei Medici

No Report

Marshal Fence Lord Zohane Faber

As rapier marshal, I purchased a drop tester, and would like to be reimbursed $65 for the unit, over my allotment.
Council approves.
Marshal Archery Master Peter the Red
Archery is continuing on Sundays.
Marshal Thrown Weapons Lady Dierdre Greenwode

Thrown weapons is still continuing on Saturdays in Framingham.

Minister of the Lists Lord Trentus Nubianus

No Report

Steward Lord Zohane Faber

I am still looking for a replacement. I will be sorting through the collection to simplify the inventory for whoever takes over. It’s been 12 months, please step up. Possibly look at a storage unit.
Symon: Please update the inventory for the website.
Clerk of the Stable Etain ingen Ut Neill

No Report

Social Media Officer Lady Caterina Genevra Beltrami

No Report

Principals of Baronial Orders 

Order of the Daystar Kyra Hraffinsdottir

Meeting beginning of October as soon as email is straightened out.

Welcome to our new members

If you know someone you would like to nominate for the Daystar (Service) please let Their Excellencies or the Principal of the Order know! You do not need to be a member to nominate someone for the Order.

Order of the Moon Lady Eleanor Catling:

Welcome to Richard Heyworth, the newest member of the order.
If you know someone you would like to nominate for the Moon (Arts and Sciences) please let Their Excellencies or the Principal of the Order know! You do not need to be a member to nominate someone for the Order.

Order of Perseus Lord Pandaulf:

Welcome to our new members.

If you know someone you would like to nominate for the Perseus (Martial Activities) please let Their Excellencies or the Principal of the Order know! You do not need to be a member to nominate someone for the Order.

Order of the Comet Baron Cristoff Gockerhan von Loch and Stephanie Leatherfoot L’Huissier

If you know a youth you would like to nominate for the Comet please let Their Excellencies or the Principals of the Order know! You do not need to be a member to nominate someone for the Order.


Low Company Master Justin du Coeur

Symon: Low Company will be meeting this Friday.


Calligraphers Lady Aaradyn Ghyoot:

Waytes Lady Ysabel da Costa

Played at 50 year, it was fun. If you are interested, please join us.

Foresters Guild is not a chartered guild of the Barony at this point, but is extremely active. I am curious how it becomes a chartered guild.
It is laid out in the policies.

Lord Donato Favro

First meeting next week.

?:How do I get on the mailing list.

Donato: I don’t know.


Stephanie: Is there anything I need to know about volunteering with our neighbors.

50 Year Kassandra: Prereg+gate 535. 66 were children. 193 were non member adults. The kids were free, non members 35. Expenses were $7586. Site fee was $2250. etc. etc.

If you did not get a site token, we have a few left. $965 in non-member surchage.

Income $14600. Significant profit.
There are about a dozen lost and found items, they will be posted tomorrow or so. Let us know if you lost something. There was damage to a wooden planter on site, but the site waived it in compensation of power.

Eeowyn: As historian, I attempted to put in a historic display at the event. I believe that all of things got returned to the people who loaned them. Thank you to Timothy of Sherwood for the loan of his bow rack, and to Duke Achbar for the posterboard of photographs. Thank you to everyone.
Trentus: Thank you to Ludwig for keeping the fighting going when I ran out to the store.

Arlyana: I would like photos of the display.

Aaradyn: Brendan Crane took extensive photos and I will try to get them.

We gained at least 3 new members from the event, and many past members who have stated they are going to start playing again.

Arylana: I videotaped most of the court, let me know if you would like your portions posted.

We have an upcoming event, fortunately it’s a low impact event. I am looking for a few volunteers, which has been posted to the mailing list. I believe I have a volunteer for gate. The paypal link is up, please pre-register.
We need: Merchant Coordinator, space is available, no charge.
Hospitality coordinator: Someone to set up a group rate at hotels. And a list of restaurants in the area for non-locals to find places.
Cleanup: Volunteers already on hand, the site will haul trash from the dumpster.

Royal Liason: Needed for the day of.

I’ll send an updated list out this weekend.

?: We need to think about someone Ottercratting for Otter’s Welcome next year.
Etain: We have a team that is interested in this, give us a few weeks to get organized.

Valerian: The Champion of Knightly Foot Combat will be selected at a practice in the towers, as was done last year. Ideally this will happen within 2-3 weeks of crown. October 22 is preferred, but not definite.

General announcements:

Frithuric: Their excellencies will be in Drachenwald during October Council, and thus not present.

Arlyanna: We had an archery and thrown weapons championships yesterday at the second day of the event.

Frithuric: The thrown weapons championship was held with everyone using the same weapons. Pandaulf is the new Champion.

Sojourner ran a fun shoot with printed targets. Scores ran high given a 50 point score for the 50 year. Timothy of Sherwood is the new champion.

Aaradyn: Both were completed before the rain started.

Barons: We’re going to go have icecream feel free to join us.